
I am starting on this and you have confused me starting off. The wiki entry under the header of "Implementation Solution" does NOT look at all the same as your A.js production in the 'as-js-runtime-prototype' source code.

What am I missing? Which is the correct way you want this output. I thought you put the GIT repo up so I could see an implementation using classes and interfaces together.

Let me know,


Quoting Michael Schmalle <>:

Actually, I'm very good at ignoring things until I need them.

'as-js-runtime-prototype' is forked and in the oven, this is all I need for now and the WIKI page that you have written.

Thanks for your thoroughness on this Frank, it's going to make it a lot easier.

I will be honest, when we were talking about line numbers, I thought you were talking about MATCHING AS Exactly but, in your example you are just referencing them on the expression statements correct?


Quoting Michael Schmalle <>:

Hey Frank,

Just wanted you to know that I am feeling a lot better and going to spend the week on AMD and your approach. While I was sick last week I has some time to get into a bit of JS.

I'm looking forward to getting this working so we can see how it works, mainly so "I" can understand your approach. :)

There has been SO MUCH volume about this stuff, can you kindly paste in a couple references you had posted in the last 100 emails for me to check out now that my mind is working again. ;-)


Michael Schmalle - Teoti Graphix, LLC

Michael Schmalle - Teoti Graphix, LLC

Michael Schmalle - Teoti Graphix, LLC

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