I do that too, but usually only when there is also a getter/setter (it's probably bad practice, but that's what I do). I also though it could work to use the "$" for private and protected vars, and leave public getter/setters unprefixed, but it still wouldn't be obvious that you are using a public property or method over a locally defined variable or function etc.. The @ symbol (as a replacement for "this.") would make it all much more obvious.

Anyway, just an idea :-)

Kevin N.

On 2/12/13 12:39 PM, Avi Kessner wrote:
Our coding convention is to preface all private vars with _ so you have
_myVar as a private class scopes var and myVar as a method argument or temp
var which only exists in the scope of the function.
On Feb 12, 2013 6:27 PM, "Kevin Newman" <capta...@unfocus.com> wrote:

This might seem like a minor thing, but I'd love to see a property
shortcut similar to coffee script, so instead of this.whateverProp, it'd be
@whateverProp. I know we can just omit "this." in AS3, but I think it's
actually harder to read that when you come back to a code base after a few
years (like I'm doing now). Using "this." or simply "@" to indicate a
property would more clearly distinguish between property and scope chain
variable, with a minimum of additional typing overhead.

Kevin N.

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