
That’s a bit of time I haven’t used spring-flex 1.5.2, are you saying it is not 
compatible anymore with spring-framework 3.2.0 ?


From: Cataldo De Benedictis 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 1:18 PM
To: dev@flex.apache.org 
Subject: Flex-Spring Integration

Hi there,

I'm working with Flex and Spring toghether through BlazeDS and Spring BlazeDS 
integration library. However, the library looks dead and the old version does 
not seem to be compatible with the new releases of the Spring framework, for 
that reason I was considering to switch to GraniteDS. 

What would you suggest as a viable alternative to BlazeDS in order to integrate 
Flex 4.9 and Spring?

Do you have any experience on Flex 4.9/GraniteDS/Spring?



Sabacom s.r.l.
Via De Carolis, 144 Taranto 



Cataldo De Benedictis


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