> I think it would of caused some issues no matter when it happened.

"Some", yes, but not on this scale. Turns out my contribution is now
in limbo until I can rearrange my workflow to allow for git and I
actually learn git. Which means I now need to spend extra resources on
something that was close to commit and would have travelled with the
move to git.

If we planned this (or at least were given notice!), we could have
taken a couple of days to allow all outstanding commits to land,
finalize all releases in progress and then move ahead with the move.
The way its being handled now feels kinda like sabotage by Infra
because they were tired with being hassled about this ticket.

I really hope this move will bring the tons and tons of contributions
and contributors that we've been promised by the proponents of this
useless move, but I'm afraid it will be business as usual and all this
will have achieved is wasting resources and delay the project.


Ix Multimedia Software

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