The Falcon compiler has an FXG parser/compiler and transcoder.

Currently covers FXG 1.0 and FXG 2.0 for the ""; namespace.


Quoting Sebastian Mohr <>:


In regards to FXG, I have a couple of questions:

I wonder about the current state of the FXG 2.0 donation
process [1]. Is FXG 2.0 already part of Apache Flex? If not,
does Adobe still plan to donate it?

What would happen if FXG 2.0 would be part of Apache Flex?
Would Adobe still support the FXG 2.0 format in the existing
Adobe tools [2]? What would happen if Apache Flex would decide
to work on a new version of FXG ... e.g. FXG 3.0? Would Adobe
still be interested to support the forthcoming versions of FXG if
FXG would be in the hands of Apache Flex?

I also wonder how closely FXG 2.0 is interweaved with the
current Flashplayer 11.6? If FXG 2.0 is so tightly interweaved
with the Flashplayer, wouldn't it be better if Adobe takes
care of FXG 2.0 instead of us?

Thanks for your answers!


Sebastian (PPMC)
Interaction Designer

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Michael Schmalle - Teoti Graphix, LLC

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