If we are okay with the current repo, they would make that the final one.
 And the svn repo is read-only in case.


On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 10:36 AM, Frédéric THOMAS

> Om,
> I meant, if there are no objections, I would like to commit it into svn
> before we the final git repo be generated, otherwise, there is a risk folks
> commit a bad file into git later.
> -Fred
> -----Message d'origine----- From: Om
> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 6:31 PM
> To: dev@flex.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Committers - preparing for Git
> We need to first finish the review of the read-only git repo and give a go
> ahead to make it read-write.
> Om
> On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Frédéric THOMAS
> <webdoubl...@hotmail.com>**wrote:
>  Btw, if no one has objections, I can maybe commit it soon and folks may
>> add or remove exclusions later.
>> -Fred
>> -----Message d'origine----- From: Frédéric THOMAS
>> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 6:26 PM
>> To: dev@flex.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Committers - preparing for Git
>> @Om, yes, I think is almost complete and would like to check in svn, like
>> that, as soon as folks will clone the final git repo, they will be
>> protected
>> against bad commits.
>> @Jose, you shouldn't have to add the player directory as I excluded every
>> .swc to be committed.
>> -Fred
>> -----Message d'origine----- From: Om
>> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 6:19 PM
>> To: dev@flex.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Committers - preparing for Git
>> Sorry for not being clear earlier.  If we are working on this file as a
>> group, it will be better to do it on the wiki instead of over email.  Once
>> it gets checked into git, it is easier.   But if you think that the ignore
>> list almost complete then it is fine.
>> Thanks,
>> Om
>> On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Frédéric THOMAS
>> <webdoubl...@hotmail.com>****wrote:
>>  Om,
>>> I'm not sure about what you want me to add on the wiki, I guess this
>>> .gitignore is to be checked in but I would like folks review it first.
>>> -Fred
>>> -----Message d'origine----- From: Om
>>> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 6:08 PM
>>> To: dev@flex.apache.org
>>> Subject: Re: Committers - preparing for Git
>>> On Mar 16, 2013 9:58 AM, "Frédéric THOMAS" <webdoubl...@hotmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>  Hi Jose,
>>>> You can add flex-sdk-description.xml to the Apache Flex projects' file
>>>>  list, I forgot to add it before I sent the message.
>>>>  This seems like a good candidate for a wiki page.  Can you please do
>>>> the
>>> honors?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Om
>>>  -Fred
>>>> -----Message d'origine----- From: Jose Barragan
>>>> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 5:49 PM
>>>> To: dev@flex.apache.org
>>>> Subject: Re: Committers - preparing for Git
>>>> Thanks Fréd,
>>>> I'll use your .gitignore too
>>>> --
>>>> Jose Barragan
>>>> Software Architect Chief
>>>> Codeoscopic Madrid
>>>> C/. Infanta Mercedes, 92.
>>>> Planta 5.  505.
>>>> 28020 Madrid.
>>>> Tel.: +34 912 94 80 80
>>>> On Mar 16, 2013, at 3:34 PM, Frédéric THOMAS <webdoubl...@hotmail.com>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>   Hi,
>>>>> Here my final wicked .gitignore [1], can be copied over any git roots.
>>>>> -Fred
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> # eclipse conf file
>>>>> .settings
>>>>> .classpath
>>>>> .project
>>>>> .manager
>>>>> .scala_dependencies
>>>>> .cache
>>>>> # idea conf files
>>>>> .idea
>>>>> *.iml
>>>>> *.ipr
>>>>> *.iws
>>>>> # building
>>>>> target
>>>>> [Bb]uild/
>>>>> null
>>>>> tmp
>>>>> temp
>>>>> dist
>>>>> test-output
>>>>> build.log
>>>>> release
>>>>> out
>>>>> gen
>>>>> #Apache Flex Projects
>>>>> lib/
>>>>> libs/
>>>>> in/
>>>>> swfobject/
>>>>> ide/
>>>>> flex2/
>>>>> thirdparty/
>>>>> META-INF/
>>>>> 3.0.33/
>>>>> *.pbj
>>>>> *.vms
>>>>> *.ser
>>>>> *.mxp
>>>>> bundles.properties
>>>>> empty.properties
>>>>> css_*.properties
>>>>> FXGException_*.properties
>>>>> FXGLog_*.properties
>>>>> FABridge.js
>>>>> frameworks/projects/spark/******manifest.xml
>>>>> env.properties
>>>>> local.properties
>>>>> #OS junk files
>>>>> [Tt]humbs.db
>>>>> *.DS_Store
>>>>> #Visual Studio files
>>>>> *.[Oo]bj
>>>>> *.user
>>>>> *.aps
>>>>> *.pch
>>>>> *.vspscc
>>>>> *.vssscc
>>>>> *_i.c
>>>>> *_p.c
>>>>> *.ncb
>>>>> *.suo
>>>>> *.tlb
>>>>> *.tlh
>>>>> *.bak
>>>>> *.[Cc]ache
>>>>> *.ilk
>>>>> *.log
>>>>> *.lib
>>>>> *.sbr
>>>>> *.sdf
>>>>> ipch/
>>>>> obj/
>>>>> [Bb]in
>>>>> [Dd]ebug*/
>>>>> [Rr]elease*/
>>>>> Ankh.NoLoad
>>>>> #Tooling
>>>>> _ReSharper*/
>>>>> *.resharper
>>>>> [Tt]est[Rr]esult*
>>>>> #CVS files
>>>>> .svn
>>>>> .git
>>>>> # Office Temp Files
>>>>> ~$*
>>>>> #Binaries
>>>>> *.dll
>>>>> *.bin
>>>>> *.com
>>>>> *.exe
>>>>> *.class
>>>>> *.jar
>>>>> *.swf
>>>>> *.swc
>>>>> #Compressed Files
>>>>> *.zip
>>>>> *.rar
>>>>> *.tar

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