Get/set methods with prefixes are entirely possible - I just wrote the
implementation in FalconJx - just not very elegant. There is an
alternate solution that uses on function per property and depending on
the amount of arguments (1 for "set" and 0 for "get") it will either
execute the "get" or "set" implementation in the body of the function.
This would negate the need for adding prefixes to property names. When
I'm done with the basic FlexJS implementation (end of day tomorrow, I
hope), I'm ready to look at stuff like this.


On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> On 3/26/13 10:44 AM, "Erik de Bruin" <> wrote:
>> I was talking about changes to the JS output, not the AS input. There
>> is some obsolete stuff in the Goog JSDoc annotation; the use of
>> goog.base() instead of [functionname].call(); maybe use goog.bind()
>> and I'm not at all sure what more. We'll need to discuss the use of
>> HTML5 "object" methods like "defineProperty", or another alternative
>> to emitting all property accessors as method calls. But rest assured,
>> I'll take care not to optimise prematurely ;-)
> We're both talking about the JS side.  If the handwritten .js files in
> FlexJS need to change, I can tweak FalconJS accordingly if need be.
> I think this stuff still needs to run on IE8, maybe even IE7, so not sure
> what we'll need to do to handle that.  Maybe generate methods as well?  Or
> have a flag?
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe Systems, Inc.

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