Then I guess everybody should run 'git config core.filemode false' on their repos, I will add it to the wiki.


-----Message d'origine----- From: Gordon Smith
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 12:29 AM
Subject: RE: How to get a clean working tree for flex-sdk

I'd be curious as to what did change in flex-config and

Something changed the mode of these two files:

gosmith@GOSMITH-WIN7 /cygdrive/d/asf/flex-sdk
$ git diff frameworks/flex-config.xml
diff --git a/frameworks/flex-config.xml b/frameworks/flex-config.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

gosmith@GOSMITH-WIN7 /cygdrive/d/asf/flex-sdk
$ git diff modules/asc/src/java/macromedia/asc/util/
diff --git a/modules/asc/src/java/macromedia/asc/util/ b/modules/asc/src/java/macromedia/asc/util/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

- Gordon

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Harui []
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: How to get a clean working tree for flex-sdk

"not stages" is like SVN saying a file is modified.

"untracked" is like SVN saying a file is unversioned (not added to SVN).

I'd be curious as to what did change in flex-config and I thought Fred cleaned up the rest. Did you do a git pull to get synced up (like svn update).

On 4/2/13 9:24 PM, "Gordon Smith" <> wrote:

After I build flex-sdk with 'ant clean main checkintests', 'git
status' shows a bunch of changes to my working tree that aren't
relevant. I think this means we need to add more entries to
.gitignore, but I don't understand why some files show up as "Changes
not staged for commit" and others as "Untracked files". Can somebody who understands Git better explain this?

- Gordon

$ git status
# On branch develop
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#       modified:   frameworks/flex-config.xml
#       modified:   modules/asc/src/java/macromedia/asc/util/
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#       flex-sdk-description.xml
#       frameworks/projects/advancedgrids/
#       frameworks/projects/airframework/
#       frameworks/projects/airspark/
#       frameworks/projects/apache/
#       frameworks/projects/authoringsupport/
#       frameworks/projects/automation/
#       frameworks/projects/automation_agent/
#       frameworks/projects/automation_air/
#       frameworks/projects/automation_airspark/
#       frameworks/projects/charts/
#       frameworks/projects/core/
#       frameworks/projects/experimental/
#       frameworks/projects/flash-integration/
#       frameworks/projects/framework/
#       frameworks/projects/halo/
#       frameworks/projects/mobilecomponents/
#       frameworks/projects/mobiletheme/
#       frameworks/projects/mx/
#       frameworks/projects/rpc/
#       frameworks/projects/spark/
#       frameworks/projects/spark/manifest.xml
#       frameworks/projects/spark_dmv/
#       frameworks/projects/sparkskins/
#       frameworks/projects/tool_air/
#       frameworks/projects/wireframe/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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