I plan on using the new regex features as a base for more feature
enhancements.  These are good start to adding some ease of use for new
developers and to make the method names explain themselves.

Convenience Getters
        function get isFirstRow():Boolean;
        function get isLastRow():Boolean;

Convenience methods
        function moveIndexFirstRow():void;
        function moveIndexLastRow():void;
        function moveIndexNextRow():void;
        function moveIndexPreviousRow():void;

RegEx Search Methods.
        function findRowIndex(field:String, value:String, startingIndex:int
= 0, patternType:String = RegExPatterns.EXACT):int;
        function moveIndexFindRow(field:String, value:String,
startingIndex:int = 0, patternType:String = RegExPatterns.EXACT):Boolean;

Regex patterns class
        public static const CONTAINS:String = "contains";
        public static const ENDS_WITH:String = "endsWith";
        public static const EXACT:String = "exact";
        public static const NOT:String = "not";
        public static const NOT_EMPTY:String = "notEmpty";
        public static const STARTS_WITH:String = "startsWith";

        static public function createRegExp(patternValue:String,
patternType:String = CONTAINS):RegExp
    static public function createPatternString(patternValue:String,
patternType:String = CONTAINS):String

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