
Thanks for the time to reply and sorry if you feel you post was taken out of 
context. You're certainly welcome to express your views on this list and 

> - It's not the problem of Apache or any other community. I still stand by 
> "meritocracy" doesn't work.
Just because other models exist doesn't mean that meritocracy doesn't work. I 
think there are many  successful project at Apache (and elsewhere) that show 
otherwise. This doesn't mean that it's easy however. There are issues with 
managed by one person model. For instance what happens when that person (in 
time) move on to something else? Or when there a disagreement in direction. Who 
pays for or encourages developers to give time/implementing the vision? How do 
you build a community around this? All of these have been issues with some of 
the Flex frameworks that had this model. Without significant funding and 
resources I couldn't that model working with Flex long term and it's not the 
Apache way. Of course anyone is welcome to take the Flex project, fork it and 
run with it how they want.

>  What's more, it's an idea and a global platform people invested a lot in. 
> This sort of responsibility cannot be handled by "community". Community tends 
> to come and go, flow by.
The people that invested a lot in Flex are part of the community, it up to them 
how they want to contribute or not.

> - The way Apache's doing things feels very archaic to me sometimes. Mailing 
> lists? Really?
Mailing lists are needed so that a) everything is in the open and b) given that 
people live in different timezone around the world a way to easily respond. I 
assume you prefer a web forum style? I find web forums slow, buggy, slow and 
hard to search on, hard to use on mobile devices and assume you're always have 
a connection. Each to their own. But there's no reason why we can't have both 
this has been raised before and doesn't look too hard to set up. See 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-33536 Anyone up to help out here?

> Then we have links to apache and markmail. Case study - Markmail for users 
> mailing lists doesn't work.
Also been raised before. Anyone?

> - improve on skinning/styling approach. It's a known fact, that Flex 4 is 
> generally slower than Flex 3. That's no good.
Generally slower yes but some people feel it has other advantages. The right 
question to ask is it fast enough for what I need done? In most cases the 
answer is yes. All frameworks are tradeoff between convenience, functionally, 
time saving on one hand and performance on the other. There's also the question 
given that spark was build around Adobe tooling  that is no longer being 
developed further, is spark actually a good direction to go in? Quick often 
when doing simple things I find spark and skinning gets in the way, when the 
older CSS styling in mx does the job simply and effectively.

> - get rid of mx totally and fill in missing spark parts
That is being done, there's a fair number of new spark components in the new 
experimental namespace. Like everything this takes time and effort. But I don't 
see we can get rid of mx entirely, there still a lot of flex out here that uses 
mx and I don;t think it what users of the SDK would want. He still get JIRA 
issues raised against Flex 3 :-)

> - clean and easy to access 3rd party component market / shareplace
That's possibly a good business opportunity for someone, but Adobe tried this 
many times (anyone remember central?) and never managed to really get it off 
the ground.

> - figure out the global chokepoints and improve on speed
There still places where I feel speed can be improved and we have better tools 
(advanced telemetry) to make the job easier. There are not going to be order of 
magnitude speed improvements but will be significant, there already been some 
significant speed improvements with CSS styling and the ADG.

> Flex 4 performance is currently a laughing stock.
I have to disagree on that point, and its certainly not been my experience.

> - arm Flex beautifully for mobile. 
What do you need needs to be one here?

Thanks for the ideas on where you see Flex needs to be improved - feedback is 
always useful.


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