Hi Avi,

yeah i just played a bit with it and getting started takes some effort.
As i understood they label it themselves as pre alpha now and heavy development 
is going on.
So we have to wait and see what it will feel like in next stages. But the 
language features of playscript are great and
using plain c# for native extensions seems way more productive than creating 

Anyway it made me feel good to compile a small test with both c# and 
actionscript3 code
integrating seamlessly and run it on the iphone simulator :-) It has potential, 
but time will tell if it will succeed. 

But back to the main subject: Stage3D. My main point is that if flex graphics 
would be based on Stage3D it
might be possible (with some serious work) to target other platforms than 
flash/air provides us with.
(windows phone 8 for example). But i realize this will be an incredible amount 
of work and probably not realistic. 



On 24-07-2013, at 11:57, Avi Kessner <akess...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Other devs at my company who were tasked with looking at playscript
> said it wasn't so good.
> brought to you by the letters A, V, and I
> and the number 47
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Arnoud Bos
> <arn...@artim-interactive.nl> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Maybe it's also interesting to know that Zynga is creating a new language: 
>> Playscript.
>> It's based on actionscript3 and C# and could be regarded as Actionscript 4 
>> feature wise.
>> The compiler is open source and based on mono.
>> They also support compiling plain actionscript3 projects to run on mono with 
>> their
>> compiler modifications.  Or you can compile AOT it via Xamarin plugins to 
>> run native. So in effect this is
>> removing the dependency on Air for mobile and desktop actionscript projects.
>> Now the reason i mention it here is that they plan to support 
>> Stage3D/Starling/Away3D/Feathers
>> but not the displaylist. So in theory flex, if using stage3d for rendering, 
>> could run on mono
>> or native without adobe compilers involved if i understand correctly.
>> To make this work there's a few things needed:
>> * falcon should output actionscript3 / playscript (for mxml support)
>> * flex should replace the displaylist with stage3d (maybe starling)
>> * the zynga compiler needs to mature
>> Seems like a really big effort is needed to pull this off, but i thought i'd 
>> mention it for completeness of the discussion.
>> Anyway for people interested here's the link:
>> http://playscript.github.io
>> best, Arnoud
>> On 10-07-2013, at 18:38, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> from time to time people comes with the desire to see Flex running on
>>> Stage3D. I would want to recopile all the state of the art info about this
>>> topic and see if is possible and how much work it would require.
>>> I know people like J.Campos did two attempts and get valious research from
>>> that experience. There's things to get into account like accessibility.
>>> Please could people share in this thread the things they know in order to
>>> recopile all info? Is there some things to take into account that could
>>> make Stage3D not possible for Flex? Could we overpass it and make it
>>> possible? If it would be possible...it will brings real benefits?
>>> If some work is done in this topic, I'd propose to make focused in this
>>> particular thing and unlike FlexJS, here I will not try to break
>>> UIComponent in small parts, or  break compatibility. Even if it could be
>>> possible to have a global flag like "enableStage3D" to make our apps run on
>>> Stage3D if is true or remain in normal display layer, it could be great.
>>> Thanks in advance for any insight regarding this topic.
>>> Best
>>> Carlos

Met vriendelijke groet,

Arnoud Bos
Artim interactive

E  arn...@artim-interactive.nl
W  www.artim-interactive.nl
T  +31 6 246 40 216
A  Elisabeth Wolffstraat 77-3
   1053TT Amsterdam

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