On 7/30/13 4:49 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>> It is still using bad code, but the change allows 4.10 to work.
>So 4*100+10*10 + 0 == 500 is going to be treated the same as 5.0.0 (5*100
>+ 0 + 0 = 500), 4.10.1 (say we need to patch it) = 501 which will end up
>with a higher version than than 5.0.0.
I didn't see any compares like that in the code I saw, but there could be

>100% sure this is just not going to cause more issues down the track?
Nope, but it is relatively safe.  Basically the class I changed has 3
values, current, min and max.  I'm just changing the max value from 5 to
100.  I don't think a max value would get used for version against version


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