Thanks. I'm using the pages as I found them this morning.

On 8/12/13 10:29 AM, "Kessler CTR Mark J" <>

>Ok.  Peter created the FlexJS [1] top level, so start placing your
>finished work here.  The original works that are works in progress are
>located at [2] still.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alex Harui []
>Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 10:04 AM
>Subject: Re: Wiki Edit Access
>On 8/12/13 3:03 AM, "Kessler CTR Mark J" <>
>>I figured it would end up top level at some point.  How would you like it
>>structured?  What kind of child pages would you want?
>>Flex JS (top)
>>-child page
>>-child page
>You can leave the current pages where they are.  Peter and/or I will be
>adding new pages and everyone else will be invited to suggest or make
>changes.  I'm not quite sure what it will end up looking like which is why
>we want to use the wiki.  I'm open to suggestions.

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