Am 09.08.2013 20:30, schrieb Alex Harui:
My biggest takeaway, though, was that folks are not able to keep up with what 
is going on with Apache Flex.  Even many of our fellow committers and PMC 
members were essentially unaware that FlexJS had a prototype to play with.  The 
complaint I heard over and over again is that there is just too much traffic on 
the dev mailing list and folks are too busy to keep up with it.  We are using 
[] tags to make it easier to filter, but that means folks still have to take 
the time to set up a filter.  We need a better way of communicating important 
things besides releases in a lower-traffic way.  Maybe we should blog/tweet 
certain things slightly more often, or maybe we should have our own announce@ 
list.  Other ideas welcome.

One suggestion by me:

Provide the mailing lists as "Discussion Forums" on the Flex website.

I suppose this way they are better accessible and searchable by many casual site visitors and Google!


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