I am using instructions on Alex's confluence page 
 with Apache flex sdk 4.9 & overlay from here 
I am using closure library 20121212-r2367 with it & running the compilation via 
java command line something like this

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_31\bin\java.exe -Xmx384m 
-Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false 
-Dflexlib="c:\software\ApacheFlexJS\frameworks" -jar 
c:\software\ApacheFlexJS\js\lib\mxmlc.jar -compiler.mxml.children-as-data 
-compiler.binding-value-change-event-type=valueChange -js-output-type=FLEXJS 
-closure-lib=C:\software\closure -sdk-js-lib=c:\software\ApacheFlexJS\js\src 

First of all the generate js file has an error of generating null0 that causes 
an error
correcting that manually causes a further to happen in base.js with fn.call is 

The program code is pretty simple, attached compilation log as well here

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<basic:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
    <basic:Label x="20" y="8" width="300" text="Enter Stock Symbol or choose 
from list:" />
    <basic:TextInput id="symbolTI" x="20" y="25" />

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Compiling file: C:\Development\FlexJSTest\FlexJSTest\bin\js-debug\FlexJSTest.js
Finding file for class: FlexJSTest
Finding file for class: org.apache.flex.core.Application
Copying file for class: org.apache.flex.core.Application
Finding file for class: org.apache.flex.core.HTMLElementWrapper
Copying file for class: org.apache.flex.core.HTMLElementWrapper
Finding file for class: org.apache.flex.events.EventDispatcher
Copying file for class: org.apache.flex.events.EventDispatcher
Finding file for class: goog.events.EventTarget
Copying file for class: goog.events.EventTarget
Finding file for class: goog.Disposable
Copying file for class: goog.Disposable
Finding file for class: goog.disposable.IDisposable
Copying file for class: goog.disposable.IDisposable
Finding file for class: goog.events
Copying file for class: goog.events
Finding file for class: goog.array
Copying file for class: goog.array
Finding file for class: goog.asserts
Copying file for class: goog.asserts
Finding file for class: goog.debug.Error
Copying file for class: goog.debug.Error
Finding file for class: goog.string
Copying file for class: goog.string
Finding file for class: goog.debug.entryPointRegistry
Copying file for class: goog.debug.entryPointRegistry
couldn't find base class for goog.debug.entryPointRegistry
Finding file for class: goog.debug.errorHandlerWeakDep
Copying file for class: goog.debug.errorHandlerWeakDep
Finding file for class: goog.events.BrowserEvent
Copying file for class: goog.events.BrowserEvent
Finding file for class: goog.events.BrowserFeature
Copying file for class: goog.events.BrowserFeature
Finding file for class: goog.userAgent
Copying file for class: goog.userAgent
couldn't find base class for goog.userAgent
Finding file for class: goog.events.Event
Copying file for class: goog.events.Event
couldn't find base class for goog.events.Event
Finding file for class: goog.events.EventType
Copying file for class: goog.events.EventType
couldn't find base class for goog.events.EventType
Finding file for class: goog.reflect
Copying file for class: goog.reflect
Finding file for class: goog.events.EventWrapper
Copying file for class: goog.events.EventWrapper
Finding file for class: goog.events.Listener
Copying file for class: goog.events.Listener
Finding file for class: goog.object
Copying file for class: goog.object
couldn't find base class for goog.events
Finding file for class: org.apache.flex.utils.MXMLDataInterpreter
Copying file for class: org.apache.flex.utils.MXMLDataInterpreter
Finding file for class: org.apache.flex.html.staticControls.Label
Copying file for class: org.apache.flex.html.staticControls.Label
Finding file for class: org.apache.flex.core.UIBase
Copying file for class: org.apache.flex.core.UIBase
Finding file for class: org.apache.flex.html.staticControls.TextInput
Copying file for class: org.apache.flex.html.staticControls.TextInput
The project 'FlexJSTest' has been successfully compiled and optimized.

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