Igor, For this app https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/jolifoto/id574204502 I used 4.7 and Starling/Feathers and working with BitmapData was ok. I hope that helps ... sorry if I answered the wrong answer.
- Randy On 2013-09-11, at 1:49 PM, Igor Costa <igorco...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi there guys > > Just a rumble question, does you guys tried to compile a simple Flex AIR > app using BitmapData with latest SDK release with Flash Builder 4.7? > > Turns out that very strange behavior that apps when launches will take few > seconds and freezes and unload the Main swf file. > > I need help from you to test on your own environment to see if this is > affecting only me or spread globally. > > Here's the link for testing: > https://www.dropbox.com/s/f5136cnzs348u2t/Test.zip > > > My guess is Flash Builder is crashing app. > > > See yah! > ---------------------------- > Igor Costa > www.igorcosta.com > www.igorcosta.org Randy Troppmann, BFA ------------------------------------------- Founder, Chief Architect runningmap.com ------------------------------------------- Principal Spin Technologies Inc. St. Albert, Alberta, Canada ------------------------------------------- cell: 780-903-0271 email: ra...@runningmap.com twitter: @randytroppmann blog: randytroppmann.com