This is my full Eclipse Console output for the above errors:

Error: Could not find source for class
mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel in namespace

Error: Could not find source for class in
namespace library://

Error: Could not find source for class
mx.messaging.channels.SecureRTMPChannel in namespace

Error: Could not find source for class
mx.logging.targets.MiniDebugTarget in namespace


Error: Access of possibly undefined property embeddedFontContext
through a reference with static type IStyleClient.

                if (client.mx_internal::embeddedFontContext)



Error: Implicit coercion of a value of type RemoveHandlerEvent to an
unrelated type Event.

                new RemoveHandlerEvent(handleDown, handleDrag, handleUp));



Error: The definition of base class Event was not found.

class RemoveHandlerEvent extends

Have fun ;-)


On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> Can you post here or in a JIRA the latest set of errors with line numbers
> so I don't have to grep the source to find the code you are referencing.
> Thanks,
> -Alex
> On 9/23/13 7:26 AM, "Erik de Bruin" <> wrote:
>>I've been tweaking the code and tests a bit, and now all but the
>>'Spark' SDK SWCs compile. There are 3 remaining issues with the
>>compilation of the Spark SWC:
>>1) 4 "Could not find source for class X in namespace Y" errors; no
>>amount of tweaking library or config paths enables me to get rid of
>>2) "Access of possibly undefined property embeddedFontContext through
>>a reference with static type IStyleClient." The property in question
>>is accessed via mx_internal. However, I really can't find the
>>mentioned property anywhere on the class or it's inheritance chain...
>>3) "Implicit coercion of a value of type RemoveHandlerEvent to an
>>unrelated type Event." In this case, the class RemoveHandlerEvent is
>>defined as a [can't come up with the correct name: where you define a
>>second class in the same file, outside the package]. The workaround
>>would be to take that class definition and create it as a regular
>>class in the correct package...
>>Ix Multimedia Software
>>Jan Luykenstraat 27
>>3521 VB Utrecht
>>T. 06-51952295

Ix Multimedia Software

Jan Luykenstraat 27
3521 VB Utrecht

T. 06-51952295

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