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From:  dev@flex.apache.org  
Sent:  Tuesday,  November  ##,  ####  #:##:##  PM  (-##:##)  
To  kana##@paypal.com  
Subject:  AW:  Questions  about  current  mavenizer  status  
With  the  #.#.#-SNAPSHOT  I  deployed  #  Days  ago  you  can  actually  start 
using  "org.apache.flex"  :-)  
The  Flexmojos  #  Branch  requires  you  to  have  the  Apache  FDKs  with  a  
"com.adobe.flex"  groupId.  So  depending  on  the  version  of  Flexmojos  you 
are  intending  on  using,  you  have  to  either  generate  them  as  apache  
adobe  groupIds.  
-----Ursprüngliche  Nachricht-----  
Von:  Toni  Vega  [mailto:tonivega##@gmail.com]   
Gesendet:  Dienstag,  ##.  November  ####  ##:##  
An:  dev@flex.apache.org  
Betreff:  Re:  Questions  about  current  mavenizer  status  
Did  the  param  "fdktarget"  work  for  you,  Cosma?  I  remember  I  tried  
configure  that  quite  time  ago  but  it  didn't  worked  forme.  I  also   
remember  that  Christofer  recomended  me  not  to  use  "org.apache.flex"   
package  (Flexmojos  #  was  still  in  development).  This  last  time  I  
it,  I  just  changed  the  properties  in  Flexmojos  parent  pom.  Thanks!  
####/##/##  Cosma  Colanicchia  <cosma...@gmail.com>  
>  @Christofer  
>  Thanks  for  the  info,  just  some  questions:  when  you  say  "win"   
>  directory,  are  you  referring  to  the  subfolders  in  runtimes/air  and  
>  The  SDK  produced  by  the  installer  correctly  contains  the  "mac"   
>  runtimes,  if  I  understand  correctly  I  should  be  able  to  add  the   
corresponding  "win"  
>  folders  (borrowing  them  from  an  SDK  prepared  by  the  installer  on  
> a   
>  Windows  
>  machine?)  and  the  mavenizer  should  pick  up  them  producing  artifacts 
>  usable  from  win  and  mac,  am  I  right?  I  see  that  the  bin  
> directory   
>  already  contains  windows  batch  file  as  well  as  bash  scripts,  so  
> it   
>  should  already  be  cross-platform  in  this  respect.  
>  I'll  also  try  the  in-vm  deployer  and  let  you  know.  
>  @Om  
>  After  a  first  look,  it  seems  ok  and  very  similar  to  the  
> README.txt   
>  contents.  Maybe  we  could  add  some  detail  about  the  AIR  SDK  
> requirement  
>  (that  is  actually  not  required  with  the  latest  Apache  Flex  
> releases),  
>  and  some  words  about  the  effect  of  running  it  from  a  specific   
>  (mac/win).  This  is  not  a  problem  with  the  installer  itself  (it  is 
>  meant  to  prepare  an  SDK  for  the  user  on  its  environment),  but   
>  generally  the  artifacts  are  prepared  and  deployed  in  order  to  be  
> used   
>  by  other  developers,  so  we  should  probably  warn  users  about  this.  
>  If  we  want  to  help  out  new  users,  we  could  try  to  provide  a   
>  streamlined,  step-by-step  guide  referred  to  the  latest  Apache  Flex   
>  version,  along  with  a  convenience  link  to  a  compiled  jar  of  the   
>  mavenizer  tool  and  maybe  a  bash/batch  wrapper  file.  On  the  other  
> hand,  
>  this  could  be  totally  avoided  if  we  plan  to  go  ahead  in  managing 
>  the   
mavenizer  from  the  installer.  
>  ####/##/##  OmPrakash  Muppirala  <bigosma...@gmail.com>  
>  >  On  Tue,  Nov  ##,  ####  at  ##:##  AM,  christofer.d...@c-ware.de  <   
>  >  christofer.d...@c-ware.de>  wrote:  
>  >  
>  >  >  Hi  Cosma,  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  as  Toni  already  confirmed,  the  mavenizer  is  currently  the  
> easiest   
>  >  >  way  
>  to  
>  >  >  create  maven  artifacts  from  a  Flex  SDK  you  downloaded  using  
> the  
>  >  Downloader.  
>  >  >  The  Mavenizer  doesn't  actually  require  the  Air  SDK,  the  
> problem   
>  >  >  was,  
>  that  
>  >  >  the  Mavenizer  is  able  to  mavenize  any  Flex  SDK  starting  from 
>  Adobe  
>  Flex  #  
>  >  >  up  to  4.11.  In  order  to  be  able  to  User  newer  Air  versions 
>  with   
>  >  >  older  
>  >  FDKs  
>  >  >  I  added  the  ability  to  mavenize  the  Air  SDKs  separately.  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  I  think  I  remember  creating  all  the  runtime  archives  for  any 
>  >  >  platform  (Flashplayer  or  Air  Runtime)  found  in  the  Flex  SDK  
> or  the  
>  >  >  Air  SDK.  So  
>  if  
>  >  >  the  SDK  contains  a  "win"  dir,  it  creates  the  windows  
> archive,  if   
>  >  >  lnx  
>  the  
>  >  >  ones  for  Linus  and  mac  the  ones  for  Macs.  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  When  deploying  to  your  local  maven  repository,  I  would  
> suggest  to   
>  >  >  give  
>  my  
>  >  >  new  deployer  a  testdrive.  It  should  be  noticeably  faster  with 
>  >  >  deploying  
>  >  the  
>  >  >  artifacts.  (SDKInVMDeployer).  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  Please  don't  start  that  dreaded  "deploy  flex  to  a  public   
>  >  >  repo"-thread  
>  ...  
>  >  >  the  discussion  always  tends  to  explode  in  tons  of  emails  and 
>  then  
>  >  suddenly  
>  >  >  ends  nowhere,  so  I  have  given  up  on  this.  I  think  the  FDK  
>  >  >  Downloader  +  Mavenizer  path  being  the  least  complicated  path.  
> All   
>  >  >  others  will  
>  >  definitely  
>  >  >  end  in  a  support-mayhem  because  from  my  experience  on  the   
>  >  >  Flexmojos  Mailinglist  (when  it  still  existed)  was  that  people  
>  >  >  don't  read  documentation  ;-)  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  Chris  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  
>  >  Cosma/Toni/Chris,  
>  >  
>  >  Can  you  please  make  sure  that  the  info  discussed  in  this  
> thread  is   
>  >  consistent  with  what  is  described  here  [#]  If  not,  can  one  of  
> you   
>  >  please  update  the  wiki?   This  is  very  valuable  
>  info  
>  >  for  others  who  want  to  go  the  mavenizer  route,  so  please  help  
> keep   
>  >  the  
>  docs  
>  >  upto-date.  
>  >  
>  >  Thanks,  
>  >  Om  
>  >  
>  >  [#]  
>  >  
>  https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLEX/Apache+Flex+SDK+Maven  
>  izer  
>  >  
>  >  
>  >  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  -----Ursprüngliche  Nachricht-----  
>  >  >  Von:  Cosma  Colanicchia  [mailto:cosma...@gmail.com]  
>  >  >  Gesendet:  Dienstag,  ##.  November  ####  ##:##  
>  >  >  An:  Apache  Flex  Developers  ML  
>  >  >  Betreff:  Questions  about  current  mavenizer  status  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  Hi  there,  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  I'm  in  the  process  of  trying  of  rolling  out  Apache  Flex  
> 4.11   
>  >  >  internally  for  the  other  employees  of  my  company,  and  I  need 
>  to   
>  >  >  deploy  the  related  artifacts  to  the  company  Maven  repo.  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  AFAIK,  the  only  way  to  do  this  for  4.11  is  by  
> mavenizing/deploying  
>  >  >  a  downloaded  FDK,  is  this  right?  I  was  following  the  other  
> thread  
>  >  >  about  storing  ready-to-use  artifacts  in  some  public  repository, 
>  >  >  but  this  path  doesn't  seem  ready  yet  (BTW,  is  there  
> something  I   
>  >  >  could  do  to  help  in  
>  >  this  
>  >  >  effort?)  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  I  managed  to  successfully  build  and  mavenize  the  FDK  from  
> develop  
>  branch  
>  >  >  in  some  months  ago,  but  I  still  have  some  questions:  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  Q#  -  I'm  going  to  try  running  the  mavenizer/deployer  tools  
> on  the  
>  output  
>  >  >  of  the  Apache  Flex  Installer  in  order  to  mavenize  the  
> released   
>  >  >  4.11  
>  FDK,  
>  >  is  
>  >  >  this  the  intended  way  of  using  it?  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  Q#  -  the  mavenizer  requires  the  AIR  runtime  in  a  separate   
>  >  but  
>  >  >  the  installer  output  should  already  have  integrated  it  in  the 
>  FDK,  
>  should  
>  >  >  provide  it  separately  anyway?  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  Q#  -  is  the  FDK  produced  by  the  installer  cross-platform?  
> This   
>  >  >  time  I'm  using  a  Mac  to  run  the  installer,  so  it  has  
> probably   
>  >  >  downloaded  the  Mac  version  of  the  AIR  SDK..  does  this  mean  
> that,   
>  >  >  when  mavenizing  this  SDK,  
>  >  the  
>  >  >  Windows  binaries  (e.g.  adt  command  line  tool)  won't  be  
> included  in  
>  >  >  the  
>  >  SDK  
>  >  >  artifacts  and  the  SDK  won't  be  fully  compatible  with  
> developers  on  
>  >  Windows  
>  >  >  machines?  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  
>  >  >  Thank  you  for  any  help  
>  >  >  Cosma  
>  >  >  
>  >  

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