On 12/5/13 12:11 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Okay. To sum up:
I'm not sure I picked up on whatever point you were trying to make with
the HTML table examples.

>I need some take-aways from this.
>1) Do we care to style TLF tables after HTML so the above markup will
>render? If yes, we probably want table body, table header and table
>footer elements, as well as column groups.
Would be nice, but for now, just make the code do what you want it to do.
I kind of doubt anyone has used TLF tables so I'm not sure anyone will
notice if you change existing behavior.
>4) I'm not sure how to handle border settings. What do I do if cell #1
>has a 3 pixel border on the right, and cell #2 (to the right of that) has
>a 1 pixel border on the left? Do I draw a 3px line (higher number)? A 1px
>line (lower number)? A 2px line (the average)? or a 2px line ((higher/2)
>+ (lower/2)? (I'm not sure there's any difference between the last two
I could definitely be wrong, but I thought that either you draw both or
the CSS folks might have some rules on this specified somewhere, like
their rules around margin handling.  I think in HTML, there may be a
default margin between cells that would allow both borders to show with
some space between them.  Flex doesn't support margins and means that
these things can draw on top of each other, but maybe that's still the
right thing to do.


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