On 17/12/2013 14:15, Alex Harui wrote:
You are welcome to take on writing the installer.xml for flex-sdk, or I
will get to it over the next few weeks.  My current plan (once I get past
this PGP Key fiasco) is to get the flex-asjs and flex-falcon ant scripts
to work then get ant_on_air to run them, then get the GUI installer to run
it before trying the flex-sdk scripts.
You've got a lot more experience than I have at Ant scripts, I only barely followed that :-)

But it sounds like the plan is to structure things so that the installer (AIR or Shell based) can download an archive and then just unpack it and run ant, and ant will take care of putting stuff in the correct place ? And the list of things to download (and ant) will be just an XML file on our servers ?
I assume they'll be place holders for the install location or something ?


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