
> Hmm. That wouldn't be my preference.  Do other projects do this?
In general yes but each project is different and can do what they want 

>  JIRA is not my favorite tool.  Regarding history, the commit logs should be 
> sufficient.
For people not familiar with the code or who are non technically that's a 
barrier to entry.

> What kind of information are you really looking for?  Was it not clear
> that I've been working on the installer and ant_on_air for a while now?
It's clear but no idea what sort of progress has been made or what there is 
still to do on it. A JIRA with some sub tasks would make that a lot clearer eg 
exactly what done with the releases.

Going forward updating the release notes using just the commit notes is a lot 
harder than using JIRA.

As I said just a suggestion and IMO it would give more visibility and encourage 
a bit of decision / community - up to you.


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