
I am using flex SDK4.11 with adobe air 4.0 and flash player 12.
I just found the below code in ActionBarSkin Class:
Please find my comment in red.

public function ActionBarSkin()

   switch (applicationDPI)
           case DPIClassification.DPI_480:
// Note provisional may need changes
borderSize = 2;
 layoutShadowHeight = 9;
layoutContentGroupHeight = 130;
layoutTitleGroupHorizontalPadding = 40;
  borderClass = spark.skins.mobile240.assets.ActionBarBackground ( IS THIS
A                                 CORRECT PATH TO SET
THE borderClass VARIABLE ?
                 IT SHOULD
BE spark.skins.mobile480.assets.ActionBarBackground,SHOULN'T IT ? )

Finally what about setting the DPIClassification.DPI_640 for ActionBarSkin
class ?


Kind Regards,

 Rami Tarabay

Mobile App Developer | Codefish Apps | www.codefish.com

t +961 5 450824 | m +961 70 170857

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