Although it's not clearly stated in the documentation, my understanding of 
"opaqueBackground", is that , when used with cacheAsBitmap, it will create an 
opaque bitmap for the renderer,
And and opaqueBackground is not set, it will create a transparent bitmap (with 
a mask).

I made some performance testing enabling / disabling opaqueBackground to see 
how it would degrade the performance.

(renderMode= gpu ,  iPad3 retina,  "slow" iOS packaging,  scrolling through a 
200 items list, and displaying the FPS).

No noticeable difference between the two modes (opaqueBackground / not 

That's surprizing me. Maybe gpus are fast enough today to process equaly well 
transparent and opaque bitmaps.

Anyway, that makes everything much simpler now: 
I will throw away all my code (2 days wasted :-( ) , and just replace it with a 
manual option in spark:List to use or not opaqueBackground for renderers.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the great idea.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Alex Harui [] 
Envoyé : lundi 24 février 2014 18:17
À :
Objet : RE: Need your help on problem with opaqueBackground

Well, this is the kind of torture that happens when code attempts to fool the 

If there is a way to configure the renderer such that no text is clipped and no 
textfields extend beyond the desired boundaries of the renderer, then you can 
set opaque background.  But if the configuration is such that you can't, you 
might have to trade-off performance for accuracy by not setting opaque 
background.  I'd probably add some flag that controls whether you run new code 
paths or leave it as it was.

From: Maurice Amsellem []
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 8:51 AM
Subject: RE: Need your help on problem with opaqueBackground

>So, you may need to override opaque background and draw it yourself.

Actually the colored background is drawn twice:
1) in drawBackground, using drawRect, for mouse hit testing (opaqueBackground 
does not react to mouse hit, apparently).
2)  using opaqueBackground, so that bitmap caching and scrolling are faster: 
this is done by AIR, and cannot be overridden IMO drawBackground & 
opaqueBackground are only set is there is a backgroundColor.

So I don't think I can remove the opaqueBackgorund, or emulate it.


FYI, I am almost done with the fix, following the proposal below:
- extent the top padding when font is large and tightTopOffset > topPadding, to 
account for opaqueBackground.
- modify tightTextTopOffset to include descent ( I have made this one an 
mx_internal option to STF, turned off by default, could be removed if necessary 

It seems to be working fine.  I will run the Mobile mustella tests to make sure 
there are no regressions.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Alex Harui [] Envoyé : lundi 24 février 2014 15:57 
À :; Maurice Amsellem Objet : RE: Need your help on problem 
with opaqueBackground

Imo once the code starts doing magic the code must do more magic to emulate 
other player behavior. So, you may need to override opaque background and draw 
it yourself.

Sent via the PANTECH Discover, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Maurice Amsellem <> wrote:

Alex, please ignore (most of ) previous email.
 I was on the wrong path, thinking the issue was in the sizing, while it was in 
the positioning:

To do that, I has set the opaqueBackground and the item background to different 

-The light colors (light green, ligh red) represent the Flex-drawn backgrounds
- the saturated colors is from the opaqueBackground.

What it shows is that:
 -> when top padding is lower than tight tightTopOffset, then overflow will 
occur, because opaque background is also Drawn in the empty pixels above the 
In the attached screenshot, second item top offset leaks over first item (leak 
is the saturated green rectangle).

Since padding is fixed (depends only on the DPI) but tightTopOffset depends on 
the text size, Over a given font size, overflow will occur:

For IconItemRenderer, top padding is set to 6 pixels, and tightTopOffset for a 
50pix font is 12.
Probme does not show for LabelItemRenderer, because top padding is set to 12 

When the top padding is < tightTopOffset, use tightTopOffset as the top padding 
for text, so that overflow does not occur.

What do you think ?


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Maurice Amsellem []
Envoyé : lundi 24 février 2014 10:57
À :
Objet : RE: Need your help on problem with opaqueBackground

>I looked quickly at how tightTextHeight gets computed and it seems to use 
>measuredTextSize.y which seems to use textHeight, which I thought included 
>descent if there are any >descenders in the glyphs for the text to be 

  _tightTextHeight = measuredTextSize.y - _tightTextTopOffset - bottomOffset; 
bottomOffset = StyleableTextField.TEXT_HEIGHT_PADDING/2 + metrics.descent [+ 

So it does not include the descent   (and the debugging figures confirm that).

>I think the problem is in getTextTopOffset.  It appears to be scanning a 
>bitmap for the top of the glyphs!  I thought there were lineMetrics 
>information that could be used to compute it.

I have found nothing in the docs that comes closes to getTextTopOffset, in 
TextLineMetrics except the 2-pix top gutter.

The actual topTextOffset values are 5 pixels for font-12, and 12 pixels for 
font-50, so it's not minor.

>For #1, the STF is saying it only needs to be big enough to show the top and 
>bottom of all of the glyphs, and then there is probably some other magic 
>somewhere such that, when it is >actually sized, it makes itself a little 
>bigger so the player can show the gutter/padding around the text.  If the STF 
>was actually sized to tightTextHeight, the gutter/padding would clip the 
>>text.  Then getLayoutBoundsHeight() has to fix that magic so when asked, the 
>STF does appear to have just enough height for the glyphs.

I agree with the principle of that, although I am not sure that the "magic" 
computations are correct (have to check)

But even assuming the computations are correct, there is still a problem with 
the way it's used in mobile item renderers:

- LabelItemRenderer is using tightTextHeight of its STF children to compute its 
- BUT *opaqueBackground* is using the actual size of its STF children to 
compute the size of the opaque background.

Since one is much larger than the other, it's overflowing on the other 
renderers, with the side effect that selection is clipped and bottom separators 
are hidden when using large fonts.
(for smaller fonts, the padding compensate for that).

IMO, the (complex) solution would be that LabelItemRenderer extents (including 
padding) and opaqueBackground extents match, so that it doesn't overflow.

Need to think about it more...


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Alex Harui [] Envoyé : lundi 24 février 2014 06:20 
À : Objet : RE: Need your help on problem with 

Hmm.  I looked quickly at how tightTextHeight gets computed and it seems to use 
measuredTextSize.y which seems to use textHeight, which I thought included 
descent if there are any descenders in the glyphs for the text to be displayed. 
 So to me, the code looks ok, but I'm not debugging into it like you are.  For 
#1, the STF is saying it only needs to be big enough to show the top and bottom 
of all of the glyphs, and then there is probably some other magic somewhere 
such that, when it is actually sized, it makes itself a little bigger so the 
player can show the gutter/padding around the text.  If the STF was actually 
sized to tightTextHeight, the gutter/padding would clip the text.  Then 
getLayoutBoundsHeight() has to fix that magic so when asked, the STF does 
appear to have just enough height for the glyphs.

I think the problem is in getTextTopOffset.  It appears to be scanning a bitmap 
for the top of the glyphs!  I thought there were lineMetrics information that 
could be used to compute it.


From: Maurice Amsellem []
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 1:56 PM
Subject: RE: Need your help on problem with opaqueBackground

More findings (and questions):

I am considering the case when StyleableTextField useTightTextBound=true  
(regular r/o labels):

1) getPreferredBoundsHeight() returns tightTextHeight (which is basically the 
pixel height of "T" for single line text, and top pixel to baseline of last 
line for multineline )

The comment says " This is the height used for positioning text according to 
its baseline"

- I think that is OK for text with no descent (such as "Table") but not if text 
that has descent (ex "Expected").
In doubt, I would take the higher measure, not the lower one, to make sure no 
clipping occurs.

2) getLayoutBoundsHeight() returns  height - (measuredTextSize.y - 
tightTextHeight) The comment says:
   // we want to return the text field height without the top and bottom offsets
   // (measuredTextSize.y - tightTextHeight) gives us the sum of top and bottom 

- The first comment makes sense (height without offsets).
But the calculation really does not make sense to me !?!

IMO, both functions should return the same value, that is the height from the 
top pixel to the bottom pixel of the text, majored to make sure no clipping 

It should simply be:

tightTextHeight + metrics.descent

what do you think ?


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Maurice Amsellem []
Envoyé : dimanche 23 février 2014 20:37
À :
Objet : RE: Need your help on problem with opaqueBackground

>I agree that the logic may need fixing.  It may not have been tested at 
>large font sizes

Yes.  In fact, for small enough fonts, the measuring/layout computations 
approximations were somehow compensated by big enough paddings.

I have seen that useTightTextBound=true is for regural text and 
useTightTextBound=false for editable text (TextArea, TextInput).

So I will focus on the case where useTightTextBound = true, to minimize the 

This will probably break some Mustella mobile tests.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Alex Harui [] Envoyé : dimanche 23 février 2014 
20:10 À : Objet : RE: Need your help on problem with 

I agree that the logic may need fixing.  It may not have been tested at large 
font sizes.

IIRC, tight text bounds tries to ignore the "gutter" around the textfield.  
There is always a few more pixels in the TextField around the actual text.

From: Maurice Amsellem []
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 10:25 AM
Subject: RE: Need your help on problem with opaqueBackground

The 15% was an empirical finding based on comparing "unscaledHeight" and the 
apparent physical height in pixels of the renderered item.
So let's forget this for a moment, as I don't know where it comes from.

Searching more, I found something else:
StylableTextField has "useTightTextBounds=true", which is logical, as we want 
precise measurement.

In the measure() function of IconItemRenderer, the preferred height of the text 
is retrieved by calling :
STF.getPreferredBoundHeight() which returns, in this case , tightTextHeight 
(let's say 36 in our example).

So one would think that when the STF is sized in layoutContents(), using the 
same value, the text will get the same height:
   labelDisplay. setLayoutBoundsSize ( width, 36).

But in StylableTextField. setLayoutBoundsSize(),  there is some logic regarding 

And at the end it set text.height = 63 !! (instead of 36).

I don't know if   SFT. setLayoutBoundSize (STF.getPreferredWidth() , 
STF.getPreferredBoundHeight)  should be a no-op,

I wonder if this logic needs to be reviewed ??

 Line 1687 and follows:

     if (useTightTextBounds)
            if (newHeight > 0)
                var bottomOffset:Number = measuredTextSize.y - 
tightTextTopOffset - tightTextHeight;

                // when clipping, allow gutter to be outside of height
                // use 2x gutter (actual gutter is not part of tight text 
                // when newHeight==1, actual visible height==3 (1px + 1x gutter)
                if (newHeight < tightTextHeight)
                    bottomOffset = StyleableTextField.TEXT_HEIGHT_PADDING;

                // re-add the top and bottom offsets.  (measuredTextSize.y - 
tightTextHeight) gives us
                // the sum of top and bottom offsets
                newHeight += (tightTextTopOffset + bottomOffset);
   this.height = newHeight;


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Alex Harui [] Envoyé : dimanche 23 février 2014 
17:45 À : Objet : RE: Need your help on problem with 

The TextField extent is surprising to me.  What does it mean to be 15% larger?  
What does transform.pixelbounds show?  Does it have to do with the border or 
background property?

From: Maurice Amsellem []
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 5:20 AM
Subject: Need your help on problem with opaqueBackground

Hi team,

Piotr has raised an interesting issue in mobile apps:

When using a large font (size > 40) with IconItemRenderer on spark List, the 
bottom separators between items are not displayed.

After some hours of debugging, I finally found the cause, but don't know how to 
fix it, because it's related to AIR.

Here is the story, in short (details in the ticket):

-          Mobile item renderers "opaqueBackground=color" property draws an 
opaque background behind item renderers, to make scrolling faster (no 

-          When StyleableTextField (text used in mobile renderers, inheriting 
from TextField) is given WxH size in flex, its actual extent will be around 15% 

-          the opaqueBackground extent of a renderer (DisplayObject) is 
computed based on the cumulated extents of its children, not of its own width 
and height

In LabelItemRenderer, the padding around the renderer is big enough (16 px at 
160 DPI) to compensate for this excess size for fonts not too large

However, in IconItemRender, the padding is set to 8px, so when the font size > 
50, opaqueBackgorund overflows the item render size, and separator lines are 

There are many ways of fixing this :

-          increase the padding in IconItemRenderer, for 'reasonable' font sizes

-          modify the measure() to account for the excess size, so that 
opaqueBackground never overflows.

-          etc...

What do you think ?


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