On 2/26/14 4:54 PM, "Carlos Rovira" <carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:

>As I'm developing the TODO List sample I'm finding some problems that I
>want to discuss here to know known problems and try to help to solve it:
>1 - TextInput doesn't have a "change" event, this restriction is by
>or could I add this event to the component?
Please feel free to add the change event.  I guess we haven't needed it
>2 - The checkbox by default shows the label "check box". I think this
>should be removed and my empty by default
Sounds good.
>3 - In Binding, I can't use this expression in a List to bind the
>instead the actual form is:
>                <basic:ConstantBinding sourceID="applicationModel"
>                                       sourcePropertyName="todos"
> destinationPropertyName="dataProvider"/>
>            </basic:beads>
>In the first case, there's a warning due to not be able to get changes in
>"todos" var (although is marked [Bindable]) . Could someone share more
>about this? could this be solved? or we are not yet in a point to make
Hmm.  That should work and shouldn't give a warning.  Feel free to file a

>4.- in the last sample I'm curious about : sourceID="applicationModel"
>since I doesn't have "applicationModel", I'm wondering how compiler
>this name if is not in my view file?
ApplicationModel is defined in the base class.


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