To allay Erik's concerns, I am not planning on carrying over my vote.  I
will do a full test of RC3.  Of course, I wont be able to run Mustella
myself, because I like my computer and I would like to continue to use it
;-)  I am relying on the VMs to run Mustella for us.


On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 5:34 AM, Justin Mclean <>wrote:

> Hi,
> > Should no failing tests by a requirement for even starting the vote then
> ?
> There was no failing tests when RC2 was created, the time tag between
> committing and the time the mustella tests hung (eg no error were reported
> in the usual 8 or 9 hours it takes to run the tests) meant I thought all
> was fine to make the RC.
> Also extra collection unit tests were run and also showed no errors and
> all the standard collection test pass. it's an issue that only happens to
> be triggered by some tests. It may even be that the test are sensitive to
> timing or other issue but I've not had time to investigate exactly why they
> failed. If there was an issue with collections I'd expect a few more tests
> to fail than actually did.
> Thanks,
> Justin

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