At Adobe, the policy was GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out).  If you provide
values outside of the allowed values, we did not promise anything
reasonable would happen and we generally did no check the values assigned.
 Do we want to switch to a policy to fatten and slow down the SDK with
input checking?

On 3/10/14 11:23 PM, "Justin Mclean" <> wrote:

>Anyone see anything wrong with this method (from the ADG)?
>    mx_internal function columnWordWrap(c:AdvancedDataGridColumn):Boolean
>    {
>        if (c.wordWrap == true)
>            return true;
>        if (c.wordWrap == false)
>            return false;
>        return wordWrap;
>    }
>Turns out wordWrap is a * and should only have the values true, false and
>undefined. Who would like to bet that it may be set to other values? :-)

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