
As you may have read earlier today in an email thread, I'm working on getting a 
FlexJS example to run in PhoneGap on a mobile device. Part one of that task was 
to make an easy way to build the PhoneGap project from an existing FlexJS 
project. I've put an ANT script into the flex-asjs repository at the top level 
called, "cordova-build.xml" in case you want to try it out. The ANT scripting 
may not be perfect, but it does the following:

Creates a PhoneGap project. This is a skeleton with some code that will be 
Installs an Android platform. This could be expanded to include iOS and others 
pretty easily.
Removes the PhoneGap-generated code and replaces it with FlexJS JavaScript code.
Builds the project.

Once the script is finished you can run the project in the PhoneGap emulator or 
put it on a device.

You will need to install PhoneGap[1] and an Android SDK as recommend in the 
PhoneGap documentation.

Peter Ent
Adobe Systems


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