I think the correct and faster choice is to put adobe headers in those two files
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"Michael A. Labriola" <labri...@digitalprimates.net> wrote:

>My understanding is that Adobe donated stuff to fluint under Adobe copyright 
>and BSD.  That's why you put the Adobe header back in a bunch of files.  My 
>view says that two of these Adobe files are in CIListener.  I think we need 
>Mike to verify or provide a more detailed explanation of how those two files 
>can appear to be the same but the CIListener version is not under Adobe 

Xavi checked those two files into SVN. He was an Adobe employee at the time. 
Therefore Adobe, probably due to his employee agreement, owns the copyright on 
those two files. Let's recreate them and be done.

There are a total of 25 lines (with liberal bracket spacing) I will donate two 
new copies.


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