Hi Darkstone,

I cannot imagine the current Flex SDK will ever go away as long as there
are folks interested in using it and developing for it.  I expect there
will be two branches as you recommended for quite some time, probably even


On 5/13/14 2:25 AM, "DarkStone" <darkst...@163.com> wrote:

>Hi Alex,
>I have just carefully read your slides for FlexJS, you didn't mention
>anything about what will happen to the current Flex SDK (Flash Player &
>AIR based).
>Here is my question:
>1. Before the FlexJS comes to 1.0 version (which you said it's just a
>basic version), we still gotta use Flex SDK to do the productions, so
>Flex SDK may still have updated versions to come, right?
>2. I love the idea of FlexJS, but is it possible to keep the current Flex
>SDK alive along with FlexJS?
>I mean let the Flex SDK target the Flash Platform Runtimes specifically,
>and let the FlexJS target lightweight web apps.
>Cuz even when the FlexJS comes to mature (e.g. FlexJS 5.0), I don't think
>it can do all the things that Flash Runtime based Flex SDK does, and vice
>So why don't we keep them both, let them be the 2 big branches of Apache
>Flex technology, they all have their strong and weak points.
>And Adobe AIR has started to show some promises on the mobile platform,
>over 1 billion installs since AIR 3.8, that's very impressive!
>HTML/JS and Flex/Flash they are all good technologies, don't give up the
>current Flex SDK easily, that's my words from the bottom of my heart.
>At 2014-05-13 01:24:47, "-Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
>>I'm finishing up my Slides for 360|Flex.  Will have 2 or 3 cool demos.
>>Slides are here for review and comment:

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