Numbers as of 2 minutes ago:

Flex 4.12.0 - 7933 installs
Flex 4.12.1 - 4557 installs
FlexJS 0.0.1 - 321 installs

(Total failures, btw, are still high - 2942 failures in all categories)


On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> Time to file a report again.  Can someone supply usage and installer stats?
> Other feedback and comments welcome.
> Thanks,
> -Alex
> -------------
> Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building Flash-based
> applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop.
> -Apache Flex SDK 4.12.0 was released on 3/10/14.
> -Apache Flex SDK 4.12.1 was released on 5/02/14.
> -Apache Flex Installer 3.0.0 was also released on 5/02/14.
> -Apache Flex FlexUnit 4.2.0 was released on 4/15/14.
> -Apache FlexJS 0.0.1 was released on 4/23/14.
> -Apache Flex FalconJX 0.0.1 was released on 4/23/14.
> Activity in Apache Flex continues to be in  two main areas:  improvements
> To the existing Adobe Flash Platform-dependent code base, and FlexJS,
> a version of Flex that is independent from the Adobe Flash Platform.
> There is another group working on Maven-related tools for the existing
> code base, and significant work on the Installer, which can now run a
> subset of Apache Ant in Adobe AIR without Java or Ant prerequisites.
> One committer has taken on integrating the multi-threaded debugger
> support into the development branch.
> In the past three months we've continued to see:
> - Continued JIRA activity (more bugs raised than resolved however)
> - More committers becoming active again.
> - Fewer new folks contributing and eventually becoming committers.
> Other highlights:
> -Two committers gave presentations on Flex at ApacheCon 2014.
> -Eight committers gave presentations on Flex at the 360|Flex conference.
> Code Donation Update
> -Swiz donation is still pending.  The donor has not filed the paperwork.
> -Adobe completed the donation of several Flex-related code bases, including
> the remaining pieces of BlazeDS, the TourDeFlex sample apps, the FlexPMD
> Project, the Squiggly spell checker, multi-threaded support in the
> Debugger, and several popular web articles.
> -Piotr Zarzycki and Mihai Chira were added as committers
> -Carlos Rovira and Christopher Dutz were added to the PMC.
> -Latest analytics include over _____ hits per day on the website during the
> work week (less on weekends).
> -There were more than ____ installs of 4.12.x since its release.

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