
This is vote for the second (0.0.2) release of the FalconJX (and Falcon)
compilers.  I am not proposing a separate Falcon-only release package at
this time.  The only purpose of the FalconJX packages are to serve as
upstream packages for the FlexJS release.

The release candidate can be found here;

Before voting please review the section,"What are the ASF requirements on
approving a release?", at:

At a minimum you would be expected to check that:
- MD5 and signed packages are correct
- README, RELEASE_NOTES, NOTICE and LICENSE files are all fine
- As this is the first release please carefully check the LICENSE and
NOTICE files
- That the build script completes successfully
- That you can compile using the results of building the source package

The source package is set up the same way as the repo.  This means that
the results of the build are not the same as the binary package.  The
compiled source package can be used to build FlexJS apps via the command
line and Ant, but not in Flash Builder or other IDEs.  I tested the source
package by building it, then pointing to it from the source package of the
FlexJS release candidate and building the examples in the FlexJS package.

The binary package is set up as an upstream package for the FlexJS
release.  The most convenient way to use the binary package is to install
a FlexJS SDK via Ant or the Installer.

Please vote to approve this release:
+1 Approve the release
-1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments to why)

This vote will be open for 72 hours or until a result can be called.

The vote passes if there is:
- At least 3 +1 votes from the PMC
- More positive votes than negative votes

Remember that this is an initial 'alpha-quality' release so I expect there
will be many bugs found.  IMO the goal is not to try to find and fix bugs
in the RC, but to make sure we have the packaging right, and enough
functionality that folks will have some success trying to use it.

People who are not in PMC are also encouraged to test out the release and
vote, although their votes will not be binding, they can influence how the
PMC votes.

When voting please indicate what OS, IDE, Flash Player version and AIR
version you tested FlexUnit with.

Please put all discussion about this release in the DISCUSSION thread not
this VOTE thread.

There is an ant script that automates the common steps to validate a
release.  Instead of individually downloading the package and signature
files, unzipping, etc, you can instead:
1) create an empty folder,
2) download into that folder this file:
3) run the script: ant -e -f ApproveFalcon.xml -Drelease.version=0.0.2


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