> I'm wondering:
> -Does it really need its own build or is it just part of FalconJX and
> FlexJS builds?
-Does it really need its own installer?  Currently the FLexJS install
> downloads and installs part of the current Flex SDK.  I'm wondering if
> that install should set up another folder full of VF2JS stuff.  The
> remaining "trick" is to manage flex-configs and flexlibs so that we don't
> get conflicting definitions.  Then it isn't an overlay per-se, but rather,
> just another SDK.

VF2JS needs a full, unmodified Flex SDK (e.g. 4.13.0). Unless FlexJS is
changed such that it in fact becomes an optional overlay over any SDK,
without modifying anything in that SDK - i.e. just add to it - I don't see
a way for VF2JS to become a part of FlexJS.

I really tried this week to find a way to make VF2JS a part of FlexJS, but
I keep running into stuff that FlexJS disables/removes from the Flex SDK,
like 1) the 'old' compiler, 2) the framework SWCs and 3) namespaces, but
there is more. It's not that I don't want to make VF2JS a part of FlexJS,
it's just that I'm not seeing a way to do it without changing FlexJS a
whole lot (something I don't want to invest too much time in).

I'm open to suggestions, and I'm willing to put in some (more) work to make
it happen, I've just ran out of ideas, I'm afraid.


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