On 8/22/14 9:47 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>> I think for already released products, master should only get updated
>> a released copy.  But it is a good question about whether the donations
>> should have been dropped into master as the master copy of the
>> donation, even if they weren't ready to go.  So that's why I'm ok with
>> merging the whole thing.
>Fair enough done - this is going to get tricky in the future however.
>And there will be some stuff that probably strictly shouldn't be in
>master ie mavinizer and blaze DS unreleased changes.
Agreed, and so, lesson learned: this is why we do need to cut release
branches even if there isn't much going on in develop branch.  Or would
the release branch also contain these blazeDS and the merge would have
tired to merge them?  Or does a merge only apply diffs from the branch
point so it would work?

And also, motivation to release those yet-to-be-released entities.  I saw
Chris mention he might try to do BlazeDS>


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