On 8/30/14 1:51 AM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>> From folks who have been in the ipmc longer and advise on whether this
>>is a category x dependency.
>Looks like the question has already been answered, and it probably legal
>rather than incubator who would need to answer if we think it is an issue.
Good suggestion to ask on legal-discuss first.  I will do that shortly.
For me, the concern comes from this section in legal-resolved [1]:

Can Apache projects rely on components whose licensing affects the Apache
product?Apache projects cannot distribute any such components. However, if
the component is only needed for optional features, a project can provide
the user with instructions on how to obtain and install the non-included
work. Optional means that the component is not required for standard use
of the product or for the product to achieve a desirable level of quality.
The question to ask yourself in this situation is:

* "Will the majority of users want to use my product without adding the
optional components?"

Lucene and AOO are not spell-checking products.  They can be used without
adding dictionaries.  If we bundled Squiggly with the SDK, then I will
also get confirmation from legal-discuss, but I would argue that he
majority of users can use the SDK without downloading the dictionaries.
But if the product is simply a spell-checker...

Anyway, we'll see what legal-discuss has to say.

[1] http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#category-x


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