Hi Flex community,

I had private discussions with both Justin and Alex in the last few
days, and as a former incubation mentor of this project it saddens me
to hear that you're having difficulties agreeing on things, so I'm
back here to try and help.

It's not uncommon in Apache projects to disagree, not at all...there's
some things on which people will never agree (especially in email)
although neither side is right or wrong. The usual answer is to make
things more modular, and I think the Apache HTTP server project is the
best example of that. Very modular!

I'll start another thread on the english vs. international language issue.
I'll use a [TTH] marker in those emails, as in "trying to help" ;-)

(BTW I'm not "the board member who's been trying to follow" - I'm
intentionally not subscribing to your private list at the moment, even
though as an Apache member I could)

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