
While working on the Promise class, I very much wanted to be able to
use FlexUnit to test the code. As I could not find SDK wide support
for FlexUnit, I went ahead and started building it.

I'm working on an article [1] that will eventually explain it all,
here is the rough guide:

1) the main build script now has a target 'test'; this target is not
part of the 'main' run and does nothing but call:
2) the frameworks build script's 'test' target, which clean the
previous test reports and calls any test targets ('xxx-test') that may
exist, which in turn call:
3) the project build script's 'test' target, that set up the project
specific properties and calls back to:
4) 'flexunit-tests.xml' in the SDK root. This file is where the magic
happens. Based on the input from the project build script, it runs any
FlexUnit tests that have been set up for that project and reports back
success or fail.

Any projects for which we want to add FlexUnit tests can easily hook
into this system by adding the tests and add a copy of the 'test'
target to their build script.


1: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/c4H_Ag

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