>> It is required, I'm afraid. I tested that thoroughly before writing
>> that section.
> If it required then we have an issue. How did you install it?
> Perhaps related to this?
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLEX-34460

Maybe. Possibly. Anyway, the README as it was accurately described how
to create an SDK that works with FB on a Mac. The current description
doesn't. So unless you also fix the underlying issue, I suggest you
change the README back.

>> Also, you don't need to run 'ant main' again.
> ant main may not of been run if someone just skips to this section and ant 
> frameworks-rsls is also mentioned above this section.

It is, but in a different context, and optional. The README is clearly
a list of sequential steps, no need to have a user repeat a lengthy
step. I suggest you remove the redundant addition of 'ant main'.


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