+1 Binding

   - MD5 checksum matches
   - Signature made 03/23/15 02:37:34 Pacific Daylight Time using RSA key
   ID 04C1F654
   Good signature from "Erik de Bruin <erikdebr...@apache.org>"
   - Tested source package:
      - Source compiles without errors
   - Tested binary package (via installer:
      - Installs fine
      - Compiled local projects, including Tour De Flex mobile app;
      everything looks fine


On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Erik de Bruin <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is a  Apache Flex 4.14.1 release candidate 1. For details on this
> release see the RELEASE_NOTES and the README.
> The release candidate can be found here;
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/flex/sdk/4.14.1/rc1/
> The binary distributions as a convenience for the respective
> platforms, available here:
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/flex/sdk/4.14.1/rc1/binaries
> The most convenient way to use the binary package is to install it via
> the Installer. You can get the Installer here:
> http://flex.apache.org/installer.html
> Run the Installer, right click anywhere, select "Show Dev Builds" and
> choose "Apache Flex SDK 4.14.1 RC1".
> Before voting please review the section, "What are the ASF
> requirements on approving a release?", at:
> http://www.apache.org/dev/release.html#approving-a-release
> At a minimum you would be expected to check that:
> - MD5 and signed packages are correct
> - README, RELEASE_NOTES, NOTICE and LICENSE files are all fine
> - That you can compile from source package
> - That the SDK can be used in your IDE of choice
> - That the SDK can be used to make a mobile, desktop and browser
> application
> When testing please check the md5 and asc files and make sure that the
> source can be compiled.
> Please vote to approve this release:
> +1 Approve the release (PMC members: please add " (binding)" to your vote)
> -1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments to why)
> This vote will be open for at least 72 hrs.
> The vote passes if there is:
> - At least 3 +1 votes from the PMC
> - More positive votes than negative votes
> If you find an issue with the release that's a "show stopper" please
> don't hold off voting -1. If someone votes -1 please continue testing
> we want to try and catch as many issues as we can and cut down on the
> number of release candidates. Remember existing voters can change
> their vote during the voting process.
> When voting please indicate what OS, IDE, Flash Player version and AIR
> version you tested the SDK with.
> Please put all discussion about this release in the DISCUSSION thread
> not this VOTE thread.
> For your convenience, I have added an Ant script to the RC folder.
> This ant script automates the checks a voter should perform on the RC.
> It will:
> - download the default source package for your OS (use
> -Dpackage.suffix to override)
> - run md5 and gpg checks (this assumes you have gpg installed in your path)
> - uncompress the source package
> - install and run rat
> - display the rat report and ask you to verify
> - display the rat report without the AL files and ask you to verify
> the non-AL files
> - display the README and ask you to verify
> - display the RELEASE_NOTES and ask you to verify
> - display the NOTICE and ask you to verify
> - display the LICENSE and ask you to verify
> - run the build and any tests run by the build.
> You should be able to go away for a while during the build. When it is
> finished, it will display information to be copied into the vote
> thread. You are not required to use this script, and more testing of
> the packages and build results are always encouraged.
> To use this script (assuming you have Ant installed), it should be as
> simple as:
> - Create an empty folder
> - Download ApproveSDK.xml into that folder from:
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/flex/sdk/4.14.1/rc1/ApproveSDK.xml
> - Run: ant -e -f ApproveSDK.xml -Drelease.version=4.14.1 -Drc=2
> Thanks,
> EdB
> --
> Ix Multimedia Software
> Jan Luykenstraat 27
> 3521 VB Utrecht
> T. 06-51952295
> I. www.ixsoftware.nl

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