This is great!  Now we can generate those SWCs.  I’ll go worry about
something else now.


On 6/4/15, 9:25 AM, "Michael Schmalle" <> wrote:

>BTW, if you are looking at the generated AS, there are some errors int he
>arguments that I have already fixed. :) Like Number, Number, Number etc.
>On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Michael Schmalle
>> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
>>> Awesome!
>>> So we can forget d.ts files and IDL files, right?  Plus at least
>>> w3c_dom1.js is Apache Licensed.
>> The way I set up the parser/emitter is we can merge things using the
>> model but parsing different files. For instance;
>> w3c_events.js
>> w3c_dom1.js
>> w3c_dom2.js
>> w3c_dom3.js
>> and more all go together so I am now creating the whole bunch at once.
>> For now, yeah I see no reason for IDL, these externs are the IDL. And
>> d.ts, yeah for now I don't have the time to even think about trying to
>> that format to convert.
>>> I was actually going to spend some time today on the JS primitives swc
>>> (Number, String, Array).  Have you seen any externs file for those?  I
>>> doubt it exists.
>> Josh responded to this.
>>> -Alex
>>> On 6/4/15, 8:12 AM, "Michael Schmalle" <>
>>> >Hey,
>>> >
>>> >Well I am a gluten for punishment but, I love parsers and
>>>translations so
>>> >without further ado;
>>> >
>>> >From this source file;
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >I am creating the following ActionScript, long but worth looking at.
>>> >
>>> >I found a lot of extern files, so this is how we do it in the start.
>>> >could even defined externs ourselves, the benefit is, one file of a
>>> >of javascript classes translates into a bunch of ActionScript files.
>>> >
>>> >This is grabbing docs and analyzing types. More to test but I am using
>>> the
>>> >Rhino parser and AST, made my own walker and wrote the logic to
>>> >class, field and method definitions while the root AST is walked.
>>> >
>>> >So now, if you want a creatjs API, just follow GCC extern file
>>> >and
>>> >you will have it.
>>> >
>>> >Mike
>>> >
>>> >--------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >ActionScript output, will be individual files
>>> >--------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public Document extends Node {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function Document();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-implementation
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var implementation:DOMImplementation;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-doctype
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var doctype:DocumentType;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-documentElement
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var documentElement:Element;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-createComment
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function createComment(data:String):Comment;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >A6C9094
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-createEntityReference
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function
>>> >createEntityReference(name:String):EntityReference;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-createAttribute
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function createAttribute(name:String):Attr;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-createTextNode
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function createTextNode(data:Object):Text;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-createCDATASection
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-createProcessingInstruction
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function createProcessingInstruction(target:String,
>>> >data:String):ProcessingInstruction;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-createElement
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >erface-to-instantiate
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function createElement(tagName:String,
>>> >opt_typeExtension:String = null):Element;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-createDocumentFragment
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function createDocumentFragment():DocumentFragment;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public CharacterData extends Node {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function CharacterData();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >7D61178C
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var length:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >72AB8359
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var data:String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >E5CBA7FB
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function replaceData(offset:Number, count:Number,
>>> >arg:Number):void;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >7C603781
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function deleteData(offset:Number,
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >6531BCCF
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function substringData(offset:Number,
>>> >count:Number):String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >3EDB695F
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function insertData(offset:Number, arg:Number):void;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >32791A2F
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function appendData(arg:String):void;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public DocumentFragment extends Node {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function DocumentFragment();
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public Attr extends Node {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function Attr();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >862529273
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var specified:Boolean;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1112119403
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var name:String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >221662474
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var value:String;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public Comment extends CharacterData {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function Comment();
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public Notation extends Node {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function Notation();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >54F2B4D0
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var publicId:String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >E8AAB1D0
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var systemId:String;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public NamedNodeMap {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function NamedNodeMap();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >6D0FB19E
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var length:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1074577549
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function getNamedItem(name:String):Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >349467F9
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function item(index:Number):Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1025163788
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function setNamedItem(arg:Node):Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >D58B193
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function removeNamedItem(name:String):Node;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public CDATASection extends Text {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function CDATASection();
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public Text extends CharacterData {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function Text();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >38853C1D
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function splitText(offset:Number):Text;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public Node implements EventTarget {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function Node();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var TEXT_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var ENTITY_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var NOTATION_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var CDATA_SECTION_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var COMMENT_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var ELEMENT_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var ATTRIBUTE_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1950641247
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public static var DOCUMENT_NODE:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-previousSibling
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var previousSibling:Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-parentNode
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var parentNode:Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-nodeValue
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var nodeValue:String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-nodeName
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var nodeName:String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-firstChild
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var firstChild:Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-childNodes
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var childNodes:NodeList;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-attributes
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var attributes:NamedNodeMap;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-nodeType
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var nodeType:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-ownerDocument
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var ownerDocument:Document;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-nextSibling
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var nextSibling:Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-lastChild
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var lastChild:Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-removeChild
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function removeChild(oldChild:Node):Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public override function addEventListener(type:Boolean,
>>> >listener:Boolean, opt_useCapture:Boolean = null):Object;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public override function dispatchEvent(evt:Object):Object;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-insertBefore
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function insertBefore(newChild:Node,
>>> >refChild:Node):Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-hasChildNodes
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function hasChildNodes():Boolean;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-appendChild
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function appendChild(newChild:Node):Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public override function removeEventListener(type:Boolean,
>>> >listener:Boolean, opt_useCapture:Boolean = null):Object;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-replaceChild
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function replaceChild(newChild:Node,
>>> >oldChild:Node):Node;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-cloneNode
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function cloneNode(deep:Boolean):Node;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public DOMException {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function DOMException();
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public DOMImplementation {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function DOMImplementation();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >5CED94D7
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function hasFeature(feature:String,
>>> >version:String):Boolean;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public ProcessingInstruction extends Node {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function ProcessingInstruction();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1478689192
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var target:String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >837822393
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var data:String;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public DocumentType extends Node {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function DocumentType();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >D46829EF
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var notations:NamedNodeMap;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1844763134
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var name:String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1788794630
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var entities:NamedNodeMap;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public ExceptionCode {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function ExceptionCode();
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public Window implements EventTarget {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function Window();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmousewheel:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onunload:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onerror:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onhashchange:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onpopstate:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onresize:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onblur:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmouseup:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onpaint:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onclose:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var Window:Object;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onbeforeunload:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmousemove:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var oncontextmenu:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var ondblclick:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmouseout:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onkeyup:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onfocus:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onkeydown:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onkeypress:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onsubmit:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onchange:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onabort:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onreset:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmouseover:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onselect:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onload:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onwheel:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onscroll:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onclick:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var ondragdrop:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmousedown:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public override function addEventListener(type:Boolean,
>>> >listener:Boolean, opt_useCapture:Boolean = null):Object;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public override function dispatchEvent(evt:Object):Object;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public override function removeEventListener(type:Boolean,
>>> >listener:Boolean, opt_useCapture:Boolean = null):Object;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public EntityReference extends Node {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function EntityReference();
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public NodeList {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function NodeList();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >203510337
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var length:Number;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >844377136
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function item(index:Number):Node;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public Element extends Node {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function Element();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmousewheel:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var oncompositionstart:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onunload:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onerror:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onresize:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmouseup:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onblur:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onbeforeinput:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmousemove:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onbeforeunload:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var oncontextmenu:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onfocusout:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var ondblclick:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmouseout:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onkeyup:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var oncompositionend:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onfocus:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onkeydown:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onkeypress:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onsubmit:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onchange:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onabort:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onreset:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmouseover:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var oninput:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var oncompositionupdate:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onselect:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var oncut:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var ontextinput:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onload:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onwheel:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onpaste:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onscroll:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >ribute-tagName
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var tagName:String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onclick:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onmousedown:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var oncopy:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var onfocusin:Function;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-removeAttributeNode
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function removeAttributeNode(oldAttr:Attr):Attr;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >1938918D
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-getAttributeNode
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function getAttributeNode(name:String):Attr;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-setAttributeNode
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function setAttributeNode(newAttr:Attr):Attr;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-removeAttribute
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function removeAttribute(name:String):void;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-setAttribute
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function setAttribute(name:String,
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >hod-getAttribute
>>> >     * @see 
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public function getAttribute(name:String, opt_flags:String
>>> >null):String;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >package dom {
>>> >
>>> >public Entity extends Node {
>>> >
>>> >    native public function Entity();
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >D7303025
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var publicId:String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >D7C29F3E
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var systemId:String;
>>> >
>>> >    /**
>>> >     * @see
>>> >
>>> >6ABAEB38
>>> >     */
>>> >    native public var notationName:String;
>>> >
>>> >}
>>> >}

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