> >> 6) See if we can get DataBindingTest working with JQuery and CreateJS
> >>and
> >> remove their FlexJSTest examples.
> >>
> >
> >I realized a few days ago that the JQuery externs we are using contains
> >only JQuery - core and not JQueryUI, which contains all the cool UI
> >widgets.  Any chance we can an externs created for JQueryUI as well before
> >the release?
> Not sure about the license and provenance implications, but the
> instructions on how to create other externs is on their wiki page [1].
> I’d like to see someone spend time on the FlexJS JQueryUI wrappers.  I’d
> much rather use the Jquery UI widgets without having to figure out what
> ‘$’ is all about.  And then the AS code you write to glue the widgets
> together will be more strongly-typed and catch more errors up front.

I looked around for a JQueryUI externs file.  From what I understand,
JQueryUI does not add any more external variables that should not be
renamed (during GCC minification), hence there is no need for a separate
externs file for JQueryUI.  But, I guess that is bad for us because we are
using the externs file as a way to create a public API in ActionScript.
Any ideas how to tackle this issue?

For what its worth, there is a complete TypeScript defintions file for

Any chance we can use this to generate the AS3 swc file for JQueryUI?


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