Yep.  I think there is an issue with Ant copying files and losing
permissions so you have to set permissions after copy.

Thanks for figuring it out.  I’ve got a few more changes for the next
nightly.  I’ll wait for your fix before packaging it.


On 9/4/15, 10:29 AM, "Josh Tynjala" <> wrote:

>Ha! The solution always comes right after you send the email. I see in
>installer.xml, that there's a mac-chmod target, and that includes compc,
>mxmlc, and jsc from js/bin, but not the others. I'll get it fixed there!
>Sorry for the noise!
>- Josh
>On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Josh Tynjala <>
>> I just installed the nightly. For some reason, compcjsc, externc, and
>> jquery in js/bin still don't have proper execute bits. I thought I had
>> gotten that all sorted out a couple of weeks back, but I must have
>> something. compc, mxmlc, and jsc all have the proper permissions.
>> In my local copy of the flex-asjs repo, the permissions look okay. Maybe
>> something is going wrong in the build script. What's strange is that I
>> this line in the build.xml from flex-asjs:
>> <chmod dir="${basedir}/temp/js/bin" excludes="**/*.bat" perm="+x" />
>> I'd expect that to force everything into the proper permissions, but I
>> guess not? I'm a little baffled here.
>> - Josh
>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 10:33 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
>>> OK, the nightly builds have been updated.  Please try the build
>>> If you already have the flex-asjs repo, make sure you have the
>>> pre-requisites described here [1] then pull the latest changes and run
>>> ‘ant all’.
>>> If you don’t have the repos and have installed the flexjs nightly, also
>>> make sure you have the pre-requisites [1], then in the folder where you
>>> installed the nightly, run ‘ant’.
>>> -Alex
>>> [1]

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