Here are the slides for a talk I did in Oct 2014:
Here are slides from a more recent one - Oct 2015:

They have some overlapping content, but are mostly different.  Please feel
free to use them as is or create a mashup presentation of your own based on
both contents.

I don't have rap battle lyrics, but here is a rap battle meme just for you: Feel free to use this in your presentation
as well ;-)


On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 12:56 AM, jude <> wrote:

> We have a local group in OC that has said we can do a Flex JS talk. They
> want to know more information. I know a few people here have given talks
> already.
> Does someone have an template for FlexJS usergroup summary I can send to
> the UserGroup manager (I've added an example below)? If you would like to
> present let me know. If not I'll be glad to present. Of course, I'm still
> learning it so any existing presentation slides would be great. If this
> becomes a major thing we'll startup a Flex usergroup.
> FlexJS Introduction (example)
> Learn how to create websites and web applications with Flex JS framework.
> FlexJS is one million times faster than Angular and CreateJS [dis other
> competitors here].
> [possibly insert archaic overused rap battle lyrics] ... I don't know how
> to write these.

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