On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 11:57 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

> On 1/6/16, 11:36 PM, "omup...@gmail.com on behalf of OmPrakash Muppirala"
> <omup...@gmail.com on behalf of bigosma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Add the following as the ASDoc for the WebProject1() method, then it
> >> should work:
> >>
> >> /**
> >>  * @flexjsignorecoercion MyButton
> >>  */
> >> >public function WebProject1() {
> >> >var button : MyButton = document.createElement("button") as MyButton;
> >> >button.innerHTML = "Press Me";
> >> >document.body.appendChild(button);
> >> >}
> >> >}
> >> >}
> >>
> >
> >That kind of worked.  Compiles fine and creates the button.  But
> >MyButton's
> >constructor does not get called.  Any code I write inside MyButton.as
> >seems
> >to be moot.
> >
> >I'm wondering if document.createElementNS might be useful here?
> Well, I doubt it.  IMO, you are trying to mix scripting APIs with
> object-oriented APIs.  Just like you wouldn't create a plain button by
> calling "new HTMLButtonElement()", you have to pick a pattern and stick
> with it.
> The FlexJS framework components internally call createElement for you and
> wrap the HTMLButtonElement since you can't actually subclass it and
> instantiate it.  If HTML had an extensible component/element API we
> probably wouldn't have bothered to create FlexJS.
> Then you can use all object-oriented APIs/patterns since that's what we're
> used to in ActionScript/Flash.  I suppose you could create another
> component set that even more thinly wraps HTMLButtonElement than we do
> already, and then make "new HTMLButtonElement()" work.  I've chosen to
> pack a bit more in org.apache.flex.html.Button so it can have more
> Flex-like APIs
> -Alex

Turns out that WebComponents provides exactly these kinds of APIs.  And
they seem to be working (almost) fine with FlexJS/Falcon :-)

Here is how I am making this work:


package {
public class MyButton extends HTMLButtonElement {
public function MyButton(label) {
public function createdCallback() {
    var sr = this['createShadowRoot'](); //TODO:FIXME
HTMLElement.createShadowRoot is typed to be an Object instead of a Function
sr.innerHTML = 'Click Meeee';


package {

public class WebProject1 {
public function WebProject1() {
var MyButtonClass = document['registerElement']('my-button', { //TODO:FIXME
HTMLElement.registerElement is typed to be an Object instead of a Function
 prototype: Object['create'](MyButton['prototype']), //TODO:FIXME
Object.create and Object.prototype is missing
 'extends': 'button'});

var button = new MyButtonClass();
button.addEventListener("click", button_clickListener,false);
private function button_clickListener(event : MouseEvent) : void {
alert("Hello World");

A few things to note:

1.  The extended component has a few lifecycle methods; createdCallback
being one.  All code that usually goes in the Constructor should go in
2.  Before instantiating the new component, a call to
document.registerElement should be made.
3.  Works only one Chrome and Firefox (need to enable WebComponents in
chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features and Firefox:
about:config, dom.webcomponents.enabled)
4.  Seems like MS Edge and Safari will be supporting this soon:

I don't know how useful all this is, but is very cool that we can support
WebComponents out of the box.

I am going to experiment more with this!


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