FlexJS uses the same exact MXML that Flex SDK uses.  It just operates on a
different default namespace - Flex SDK, with mx, spark, etc.  and FlexJS
with basic, js etc.  Structurally they are (should) be the same.


On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 1:18 PM, jude <flexcapaci...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Alex, et al,
> Is there a name or 3-4 letter acronym we can use for FlexJS MXML to
> differentiate it from Flex MXML? I'm drawing a blank and these don't seem
> to fit:
> FxJsML
> FalconML
> I don't think the JS part of the name fits because FlexJS also outputs SWF.
> It's a hybrid of Flex, MXML, AS with two different target platforms SWF and
> transpiled HTML / JS.
> For example, we have HTML, MXML, XAML but what would sound good for FlexJS?

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