Seems to be working fine for me on Windows.  These are the things I tried:

1. Switch to feature/maven-migration" branch
2.  Run (on cmd shell, with cygwin installed)
3.  mvn -s settings-template.xml clean install -P minimal
4.  Add FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER environment variable (I dont have any other
env variable set like FLEX_HOME, etc.)
5.  Run mvn -s settings-template.xml clean install

Build Success!

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: Parent .............. SUCCESS [
 5.937 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler ...................... SUCCESS [03:37
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: FalconJx Cross Compiler SUCCESS
[01:00 min
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: OEM Layer ........... SUCCESS [
 3.782 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: Externs ............. SUCCESS [
 0.076 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: Externs: JS ......... SUCCESS [
17.025 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: Externs: Cordova .... SUCCESS [
 0.519 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: Externs: CreateJS ... SUCCESS [
10.646 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: Externs: GCL ........ SUCCESS [
 0.668 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: Externs: GoogleMaps . SUCCESS [
 3.172 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: Externs: Jasmine .... SUCCESS [
 1.485 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: Externs: JQuery ..... SUCCESS [
 2.202 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS Compiler: Externs: Node ....... SUCCESS [
 0.298 s]

Great work!


On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 8:11 AM, Christofer Dutz <>

> Hi,
> I just released a new version of the jburg-maven-plugin (Noticed a big
> problem on Windows machines and fixed that yesterday).
> Also I added a settings-template.xml to the project which takes care of
> setting up Maven to download Apache SNAPSHOT artifacts.
> I did comment out a hand full of tests, which do strange stuff and will
> try to refactor them so they are a better fit.
> If you want to give it a try, just checkout falcon and switch to the
> "feature/maven-migration" branch. This contains a
> script which runs fine on Windows, if you use GitBash to execute it. This
> script creates the maven directories and moves stuff around to be a perfect
> maven fit.
> You have to have a Maven installation of version 3.3.1 or above, as only
> these versions are able to use the project level maven extensions I need to
> auto download some resources needed during the build. Make sure to add the
> maven home's bin directory to your systems path.
> After that's done, you have to build the "tools" first:
> mvn -s settings-template.xml clean install -P minimal
> This builds all the stuff we need to build the rest of the project (You
> only have to do this once)
> After that you are free to build the entire package. If you already have
> your FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER environment variable set, you can run the build
> including tests with this command:
> mvn -s settings-template.xml clean install
> If you want to build without tests, just run this version:
> mvn -s settings-template.xml clean install -DskipTests
> I would be happy for some feedback on if this has worked for you.
> It will currently NOT build something you can use in your IDE as I haven't
> written the assembly yet, but that's on my list.
> Currently I'm mainly interested on if you are able to build and how
> difficult it was for you to do it.
> After all it should be as easy as download Maven, Download the
> FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER, set that one environment variable and then build (And
> the Flashplayer step is going to go away soon hopefully)
> DIRECTORY STRUCTURE !!! I would not be able to continue to merge in the
> latest changes from develop.
> Chris

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