Sorry for that ... I noticed the Ignore right after posting the email. 
But I added a new constant to the jquery extern and updated the test, and it 
now seems to pass.

I did some more streamlining of tests and just wanted to ask ... I think I 
remember 14 errors in the end before my changes, and now I still have 14 errors 
... I couldn't find any failing tests and 2 x 4 errors in the generation of 
JavaScript (which seems to be ok). Does anyone know where the 14 errors the 
build is reporting come from?


Von: Michael Schmalle <>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. März 2016 20:56
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [FALCONJX] Some help with the externs

Yeah and when I wrote the test, the externs were in a different place that
I was testing. I think Alex or somebody else refactored the locations, and
if it does have an @Ignore, that would backup the fact the test wasn't run
since that refactor.


On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> I think that test has a @ignore on the entire test class.
> -Alex
> On 3/22/16, 12:32 PM, "Christofer Dutz" <> wrote:
> >Another thing I just noticed while separating the tests that I need to
> >adjust from the ones I need to move:
> >Ho can the test TestExternJQuery pass? In the configure it creates a path:
> >        String coreRoot =
> >ExternalsTestUtils.EXTERNAL_JS_DIR.getAbsolutePath();
> >        config.addExternal(coreRoot + "/jquery-1.9.js");
> >
> >The stupid thing is this evaluates to
> >"../externs/js/externs/jquery-1.9.js" but this file does not exist as it
> >should be "../externs/jquery/externs/jquery-1.9.js" ... so I would like
> >to state that I mistrust this test ;-)
> >
> >Chris
> >
> >________________________________________
> >Von: <> im Auftrag von
> >Carlos Rovira <>
> >Gesendet: Sonntag, 20. März 2016 09:29
> >An:
> >Betreff: Re: AW: [FALCONJX] Some help with the externs
> >
> >Amazing work Chris! Thanks to share your progress! :)
> >
> >2016-03-19 14:33 GMT+01:00 Christofer Dutz <>:
> >
> >> YESSSS!!!!!
> >>
> >> I finally managed to port the builds for ALL externs to maven. I was
> >> thinking about how I could de-couple the compiler and the maven plugin
> >>till
> >> I noticed that this was exactly the problem I always had with Flexmojos
> >>and
> >> what I created the Flex tool-api for. With this it was super easy to
> >>create
> >> universal Maven plugins for externc and mxmlc.
> >>
> >> Currently the maven build is far from perfect ... currently I reference
> >> the js.swc via relative paths, which is a super no-go for production,
> >>but
> >> at least I can build and as Ant used relative paths it's not even a step
> >> back :-)
> >>
> >> Also every module is currently still a "jar" project and hence maven
> >> produces "jar" files in the target, all of which are probably completely
> >> empty. In order to address this I will actually have to provide a custom
> >> lifecycle mapping which will make the hack more and more real flex
> >>support
> >> for maven.
> >>
> >> Now I have to find out how to separate the tests that currently use
> >>other
> >> parts of the build and move them into a dedicated "testsuite" module.
> >>
> >> But I think for now the hardest steps have been taken.
> >>
> >> Now I'm going to actually start programming my Cyborg ... don't want to
> >> arrive at ApacheCon with nothing to show ;-)
> >>
> >> Chris
> >>
> >> ________________________________________
> >> Von: Christofer Dutz <>
> >> Gesendet: Samstag, 19. März 2016 11:02
> >> An:
> >> Betreff: AW: AW: [FALCONJX] Some help with the externs
> >>
> >> Ok ... so have a look at this image :-)
> >>
> >>
> >>g
> >>
> >> I finally managed to finish a first build of an extern swc, using Maven
> >> and using my brand-new externc and compiler Maven plugins. My plugins
> >>are
> >> currently a simple prototype wich I am hoping to extend to support
> >> everything needed to build the test cases in the test suite. As the
> >>rest of
> >> the compiler blows up if you leave the 100% correct path at least I
> >>have no
> >> pressure to make it perfect ... so I'll stick to "it doesn't blow up if
> >>you
> >> do everything correct"-strategy for now, which makes things a lot
> >>simpler
> >> (but also unusable for others)
> >>
> >> Currently my plugins are tightly coupled with compiler and compiler.jx
> >>...
> >> this would complicate the build, so I think I'm going to use my
> >>Tool-API to
> >> decouple them. And I am going to write the plugin in the falcon repo as
> >>it
> >> makes things very complicated as long as not everything is released at
> >> least once.
> >>
> >> Chris
> >>
> >> ________________________________________
> >> Von: Christofer Dutz <>
> >> Gesendet: Samstag, 19. März 2016 09:19
> >> An:
> >> Betreff: AW: AW: [FALCONJX] Some help with the externs
> >>
> >> I'm using this one:
> >>
> >>                     <dependency>
> >>                         <groupId></groupId>
> >>
> >><artifactId>closure-compiler-externs</artifactId>
> >>                         <version>v20150609</version>
> >>                     </dependency>
> >>
> >> But your post was very valuable input as I re-checked and found out that
> >> the closure compiler version has changed. So I updated to that version
> >>an
> >> now I do have a browser directory and the number of errors went down to
> >>2
> >> ;-) ... thanks Alex :-)
> >>
> >> Guess I sticked to the versions I once found out ant stuck into my
> >> hand-written poms I used to create maven bundles. Should double check
> >>all
> >> of them, if there were version updates.
> >>
> >> Chris
> >>
> >> ________________________________________
> >> Von: Alex Harui <>
> >> Gesendet: Freitag, 18. März 2016 21:18
> >> An:
> >> Betreff: Re: AW: [FALCONJX] Some help with the externs
> >>
> >> On 3/18/16, 12:15 PM, "Christofer Dutz" <>
> >>wrote:
> >>
> >> >Currently I'm working on the last module "js". Unfortunately this seems
> >> >to be the "playerglobal" of FlexJS :-( ... one thing I noticed, was
> >>that
> >> >the "externs/js/externs" directory contains the content of the
> >> > which is embedded in google's closure compiler. So far so
> >> >good, but looking at the build, the zip is extracted to the
> >> >"externs/js/externs" directory, but strangely the files are structured
> >> >with a "browser" directory. The original zip however doesn't contain
> >>any
> >> >directories, so where does that directory structure come from?
> >>
> >> My copy of expands to have a browser folder.  Older versions
> >> didn't.  And it might be that newer ones don't as well.  Which version
> >>of
> >> Google Closure Compiler are you using?
> >>
> >> -Alex
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >
> >Carlos Rovira
> >Director General
> >M: +34 607 22 60 05
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario y puede contener
> >información privilegiada o confidencial. Si ha recibido este mensaje por
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