On 4/28/16, 1:09 PM, "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:

>Ok ... I think I found the problem :-)
>I always thought that using falcon.jx for compiling the js and the as ...
>So I was doing the following:
>- Use falcon.jx jar with output FlexJS to compile the AS+JS mix to JS
>- Use falcon.jx jar without output to compile the AS to Flash and pack in
>the preciously generated JS files
>But I guess for step 2 I have to use the normal Falcon compiler, am I
>correct? At least with this I am able to compile the Core swc and if I
>have a look at the content, the JS is included, so all looks good to me.
>Now I'll fix up the other parts ... keep your fingers crossed :-)

That sounds right to me.  If you are short on time, I might have time to
replicate some pattern through all of the swcs.


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