
I'm trying a simple Hello World in IntelliJ I did at the time of the 0.6
release (with the Josh tutorial in NExtGestAS3), now with 0.7 nigthly
(through Flex SdK installer), and getting the same error as Justin:

Error:[HelloIDEA]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

I check if it could be flex-tool-api.jar, but this jar is in
"flexjs/js/lib" folder

Anyone knows what could be the problem?


2016-03-16 22:29 GMT+01:00 Justin Mclean <justinmcl...@me.com>:

> Hi,
> > Thanks for noticing that.  Have you looked at the notice files in the
> builds?
> Only the source ones and they seem OKish (they don’t 100% follow policy
> but there’s no legal issues that I can see). I’ve not looked at the binary
> ones. I think a bigger issue (but again not one that would block a release
> but more a nice to have) is that as a user I would expect a lot more in the
> REAME about changes from the previous version. Having a list of bug
> fixes/new features would be a help to adoption.
> I’m also still unable to get the FlexJS source to compile but not looked
> too deeply into it.
> compile-asjs:
>      [echo] Cross-compiling Core-0.6.0.swc
>      [echo] FALCONJX_HOME:
> /Users/justinmclean/Downloads/ApacheFlexJS/apache-flex-falconjx-0.6.0-bin/js/
>      [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/apache/flex/tools/FlexTool
> ...
> /Users/justinmclean/Downloads/ApacheFlexJS/apache-flex-flexjs-0.6.0-src/frameworks/projects/Core/build.xml:125:
> Replace: source file
> /Users/justinmclean/Downloads/ApacheFlexJS/apache-flex-flexjs-0.6.0-src/frameworks/projects/Core/target/generated-sources/flexjs/org/apache/flex/events/IEventDispatcher.js
> doesn't exist
> Thanks,
> Justin


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