There is no "int" type in JavaScript, so I think the compiler should just
replace int with Number.

In general I would not recommend using "as Number" or "as int" anyway,
since it returns null if the value is of a different type, and null cast to
Number or int becomes zero rather than NaN.

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:03 AM, Harbs <> wrote:

> The new sortOn code is causing a compile error in
> Language.js:408: WARNING - variable int is undeclared
>      [java]     opt2 =, int);
> I can easily fix this by changing opt2 = opt as int; to opt2 = int(opt);
> but I think this is a bug in the “as” implementation. I’m not sure where
> the core types are defined to fix this.
> Harbs

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