The key to the CSS and the beads is the ValuesManager
(org.apache.flex.core.ValuesManager) the implementation used
(org.apache.flex.core.SimpleCSSValuesImpl). This searches through the CSS
for the class and matches the name (eg, IBeadController) and instantiates
and instance of the class referenced. This is done in the


On 5/31/16, 4:24 PM, "Harbs" <> wrote:

>Yeah. If I’m going to jump in, it might as well be with both feet into
>the deep water… ;-)
>How does the css setting of beads work under the hood? I’d like to
>understand the mechanics.
>I’ll figure out the HierarchicalData as soon as I fix the XML issue with
>the compiler.
>I’ll look at EditableTextKeyboardController. Thanks. Is there any trick
>necessary for specifying multiple controller beads?
>I’d also like to figure out how to specify different icons for open and
>closed nodes. Ideally there should be a way to specify look using CSS
>class names in HTML. Is there an easy way to do that?
>On May 31, 2016, at 5:24 PM, Peter Ent <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Picked Tree as the first component, huh? The basic idea behind Tree in
>> FlexJS is that it is a List with itemRenderers that indent.
>> The reason CSS is used to set beads, such as model, view, controller,
>> others, is to make it very easy to swap them out just by giving your
>>app a
>> different CSS file and they don't have to be hard-coded.
>> Since it has been a little while since I looked at Tree, my guess is
>> I just forgot to change it once I took HierarchicalData as far as was
>> needed at the time. I probably worked with HierarchicalData until the
>> when I created IHierarchicalData and just forgot to go back to Tree and
>> change it.
>> If you want to add keyboard behavior, you'd create another controller
>> bead. If you look in the HTML project in the
>> org.apache.flex.html.beads.controllers package you'll find
>> EditableTextKeyboardController. There's not much to it, but its a start.
>> Some of the mouse controllers have more insight into separating the SWF
>> and JS event handling if you need to look at specific keyboard keys.
>> On 5/30/16, 3:36 PM, "Harbs" <> wrote:
>>> On second thoughtŠ
>>> This is the first time I¹m diving into a FlexJS component. I understand
>>> strands and beads conceptually, but I have not really looked into the
>>> practice until now.
>>> It looks like the behavior of the Tree is handled by the
>>> TreeSingleSelectionMouseController which extends
>>> ListSingleSelectionMouseController. The controller seems to be set in
>>> css file? That strikes me as a bit odd considering that css usually
>>> visual to me, but I think I get it.
>>> Either way, Tree is expecting HierarchicalData rather than
>>> IHierarchicalData. Is there a reason for that?
>>> If I want to add keyboard behavior (i.e. using the arrow keys to
>>> and open/close nodes, what would be the best way to do that?
>>> (BTW, I¹m using Tree for a pet project as a way of learning the
>>> of FlexJS components before I deep dive into using them.)
>>> On May 30, 2016, at 10:20 PM, Harbs <> wrote:
>>>> I¹d like to add XML support for Trees. Any preference on whether I
>>>> should create a new IHierarchicalData class for XML (i.e.
>>>> XMLHierarchicalData) or put conditional logic in the existing
>>>> HierarchicalData class?
>>>> I¹m leaning towards the former.
>>>> Harbs

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